Pups think rules are suggestions.

Suggestion is a literary strategy.

L’architecture est art de suggestion.

I like to give opinions, not suggestions

Sometimes a fool makes a good suggestion.

The Ten Commandments were not a suggestion.

Democracy is the suggestion box for slaves.

I'm someone who doesn't often ask for help, just suggestions.

If you have a good idea, open your mouth and say something else.

People make suggestions on what to say all the time... Trust me.

Faultfinding without suggestions for improvement is a waste of time.

You have people that make suggestions you got people that do things.

Don't take my criticisms as iron-clad rules but more as suggestions.

We also get thousands of suggestions. The default answer is always no.

The mind is susceptible to suggestions. It learns whatever you teach it.

There's no suggestion of why people might have voted for [Donald] Trump.

If you do not act on a suggestion at first, you grow dull to its message.

I think a dream is just a suggestion to start something out, do something.

The reason God made man before woman was that he didn't want any suggestions.

President Obama seems to understand the Constitution as a 'set of suggestions.'

Do not pay too much attention to the advice or suggestions of those around you.

A boy carries out suggestions more wholeheartedly when he understands their aim.

The lives of all of us have been moulded largely by induction through suggestion.

I took his suggestion to heart and went from a "know-it-all" to a "learn-it-all."

If you're going to knock down my suggestion, you'd better have one to replace it.

We take the suggestions people give us and build the best reality we can for them.

Suggestions?" I asked [...] Marc never took his gaze from the cage. "Get the hose.

My suggestion would be to walk away from the 90% who don't and join the 10% who do.

Nature is just enough; but men and women must comprehend and accept her suggestions.

I'm not too into the trends - I like to look at trends as suggestions, not as rules.

I’m not too into the trends - I like to look at trends as suggestions, not as rules.

After writing each novel, I would spend days poring over suggestions from my editor.

A man carries out suggestions the more wholeheartedly when he understands their aim.

You get your inspiration - suggestions - wherever you have to, even from your mother.

I have a suggestion for a new name for the developing world. Let's call it the world.

A holy mind cannot repeat a vile thing, let alone be the creator of a vile suggestion.

[To the suggestion that Great Britain might someday want a Republic:] We'll go quietly.

Advice: The suggestions you give someone else which you hope will work for your benefit.

In an unfamiliar culture, it is wise to offer no innovations, no suggestions, or lessons.

I don't have the time to design my own costumes, but I do give suggestions and style tips.

We don't criticize. Criticism is an enemy. You've got to make loving, positive suggestions.

I let the audience use their imaginations. Can I help it if they misconstrue my suggestions?

In painting one must search rather for suggestion than for description, as is done in music.

What is poetry? The suggestion, by the imagination, of noble grounds for the noble emotions.

People made suggestions, but, hell, I don't actually listen to anybody, I just go my own way.

What am I going to do with you? I have suggestions, but this might not be the place for them.

I'm okay with suggestions but I want to do what I believe in, because I'm inspired by an idea.

Because of Watergate in part, I am kind of a magnet for calls and information and suggestions.

The individual who has experienced solitude will not easily become a victim of mass suggestion.

The compromise will always be more expensive than either of the suggestions it is compromising.

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