Being the survivor stinks.

I have survivor's remorse.

I'm surviving. I'm a survivor.

I'm a survivor. I'm a messenger.

Hi, I'm Bill. I'm a birth survivor.

Survivors lived with their mistakes.

I don't miss a minute of 'Survivor.'

Every woman who writes is a survivor.

I have survivor's curiosity, I guess.

I am a survivor of domestic violence.

I am not a victim. I am an angry survivor.

It is better to suffer wrong than to do it.

I don't think 'Survivor' really changed me.

Survivors can't always choose their methods.

I think a Celebrity Survivor would be great.

We are survivors from the moment of diagnosis.

In some ways 'Survivor' might have saved my life.

A lot changed when I had Natasha. I'm a survivor.

I don't feel like a survivor. I feel left behind.

After eighty, there are no enemies, only survivors.

I guess everybody who isn't dead yet is a survivor.

I do a lot of races for the cure for breast cancer.

We do not invest in victims, we invest in survivors.

Oh, I'm a survivor. My whole life has been surviving.

The survivors (of a nuclear war) would envy the dead.

I've seen every second of 'Survivor' since it started.

I'm a survivor, at least that's what everyone tells me.

In the game of 'Survivor,' there is no time for regrets.

Never trust a survivor until you know how they survived.

A scar is a sign of strength. . .the sign of a survivor.

A man's dying is more his survivor's affair than his own.

I'm a survivor in a business that constantly rejects you.

I didn't know anything about breast cancer when I got it.

The 'Survivor' community is very tight. I mean very tight.

It's the responsibility of the survivor to tell the story.

Survivor is like rock 'n' roll - you can do what you want.

I guess when you play 'Survivor,' almost everyone gets got.

I have always said about myself I am a survivor because I am.

I'm just a survivor from the train wreck of the modern world.

I'm one of the handful of survivors of the guys I came up with.

...after all, who isn't a survivor from the wreck of childhood?

Stephen's the great survivor, isn't he? He just goes on and on.

All of us are survivors, but how many of us transcend survival?

How can you be a survivor, when you can't even remember the war?

More than a victim, I am a survivor of a dehumanization process.

I don't want to be the only survivor on the island with no smoke.

Justice is for the victim.” Kick. “Vengeance is for the survivor.

In modern warfare there are no victors; there are only survivors.

I do like reality TV. I've always liked 'Survivor' since season 1.

If history is a record of survivors, Poetry shelters other voices.

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