Switching genres actually motivates me.

I like switching gears. I'm kind of a chameleon.

That's part of the policy: To keep switching gears.

Maybe Asians are switching from studying to sports.

A great deal of our work involves switching music off.

Switching off perfection switched on the human quality

Switching to the outfield was the best break I ever got.

I'm sure it's nothing switching to a light beer won't cure.

We need to keep switching up the language around climate change.

It's very difficult switching over from one character to another.

Party switching has all the emotional edges and baggage of divorce.

I am all about switching between genres and doing as much as possible.

I'm terrified of switching the computer on because there are so many poems

I'm terrified of switching the computer on because there are so many poems.

I just love switching stuff off and going for a run, or sitting down and eating cake.

I feel I'm doing God's work switching people from group plans to individual insurance.

A person cannot all of a sudden become good at what they do just by switching streams.

I listen to a lot of stuff. I mean, I'm constantly switching up what I'm listening to.

I'm a busy girl, and I've been switching gears from telly and putting my heart and soul into music.

I find that a small sacrifice such as switching off my phone and blocking out work helps me stay balanced.

What most men call their conscience is imaginary virtue switching left or right according to self-interest.

Getting into the habit of switching a timer on will, I promise, save you from any number of kitchen disasters.

Learning how to win comes with switching the onus of pressure away from yourselves and then seizing your moment.

I'm just picky about certain things in the videos, so I'm always switching out things that look or sound better.

I love going back and forth from drama to comedy. I love switching it around and showing people that I can do both.

Every superhero has this superhero identity and a civilian identity. A lot of their lives are about code switching.

Klopp's philosophy? Getting the ball back, a quick switching game, combinations and then ice cold in front of goal.

Some of the joy in acting is switching it up: being able to do something that's different than what you've been doing.

Not only are utilities switching from coal and oil to gas, but also trucking, schoolbuses, garbage trucks, and even taxi fleets.

I think switching is like a lot of things. You can do it - it's a game plan - but you better do it well. You better practise it.

I think girls have a harder time than guys do if you're switching schools. Guys don't get picked on as long as you're OK in sports.

I'm a quite erratic person: From setups to actually when I'm doing a track, it's just turning and switching and changing all the time.

The best thing about switching from being an actor to being a director is that you don't have to shave or hold your stomach in anymore.

My dad keeps joking about sneaking into my grandparents' house and switching out their HBO for PBS so they think I'm on 'Downton Abbey.'

When I'm working, I have a hard time switching off, and when I'm not working, I have a hard time thinking of ever wanting to work again.

Switching from acting to cricket isn't difficult, because I have represented Delhi in the under-19 category. Plus cricket is in my blood.

I'm always switching up my foundation. I like good coverage. I figure if you're going to wear foundation, it might as well have coverage.

I've got a lot of pedals and a lot of knobs that need to be switching around during my performance, so I've taught my toes how to do that.

I love character actors. If I'm switching channels, and something with Slim Pickens is on, or Walter Brennan, I'm stuck. I have to watch it.

We survived on natural resources, so we should take care of the earth. When I leave home, I do things like switching off the heat and lights.

I have progressed well since switching my training to Loughborough, and I feel I still have another 30% of progress left in me before my peak.

The amount of energy saved by switching off the phone charger is exactly the same as the energy used by driving an average car for one second.

Switching to all organic food production is the single most critical (and most doable) action we can take right now to stop our climate crisis.

Sting is much better at switching off than I am. He can concentrate and meditate whatever might be going on in the room and is far more disciplined.

What I find very painful are all these charges that democracy is really shaken in Poland, that we have been switching into some authoritarian regime.

I was never ever attracted to any of my rugby mates; I was really good at switching off my emotions and I wouldn't have even considered crossing that line.

You have a Happiness Switch in you that you can switch on at any time. All you have to do is stop switching it off in order to blackmail yourself or others.

I do a lot of editing and switching around and putting little pieces together to get the right mood and personality, and it takes me forever to get a song finished.

Switching the public's perception and view of me was, and still is, kind of a challenge to get them to see me outside of a character that I played on TV for so long.

This business switching styles can't be done honestly by one man. As soon as he can play his instrument well, he can express himself, and all his life he has only one self.

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