I've grown tactically and technically.

Tactically, yelling at Google is unwise.

As a captain I think tactically I've been quite good.

I know Roy Hodgson very well; he rarely changes tactically.

I feel like I'm one of the best players in the world tactically.

Despise the enemy strategically, but take him seriously tactically.

Pep Guardiola tactically brings a gift that is second to none in the world.

I've done a good job at Bayern, with Guardiola, and I have evolved a lot tactically.

You have to think tactically and you can't just go in and swing against the first best opponent.

I need to keep improving tactically, defensively and offensively for the last pass, the last shot.

When you just work tactically, in pure football sessions, you can see the way they can think football.

The Russians know that well executed disinformation, when exercised tactically, can quickly metastasize.

I have always enjoyed working hard, and that's why I try to give my best tactically as well as going forward.

You have to be savvy. You have to be tactically aware, because that's what makes the difference in the big matches.

Tactically, I know how to play on one side even though I remain convinced that I can play better through the middle.

It's good when you're out there on a tennis court. There's nowhere to hide. It's all you, tactically, physically, mentally.

Nuno works with each player individually. He has worked with me tactically, on where I have to move and when I have to move.

Tactically, Italians are very strong. They are a lot into tactics: how to defend, when you lose the ball, where will you be?

Padoin is proving himself to be a great professional. He's tactically intelligent, and it's tough to play in front of the defense.

Most people think footballers are thick. Some might be, academically, but they can see the game, strategically, tactically, in every way.

I like to take a little bit from every midfielder I have played against, whether it's physically, technically, tactically, just to try to improve my game.

Growing up in a Muslim family, I didn't eat pork and was tactically vegetarian at school in a bid to avoid accidentally dining on swine, a galling prospect.

When I met Mourinho, I was still very young, but mentally and tactically, he worked on me. He was really demanding: you could not take a step below your level.

My father's approach to the most brutal and unambiguous social injustices during the civil rights struggle was rooted in nonviolence as a morally and tactically correct response.

I've made a lot of progress. As a man, mentally, but also physically. And tactically, too. That's a given with a manager like Antonio Conte. He likes you to work, work, work. Every day.

I don't think that anyone in the pages of 'War on Peace' is arguing that diplomacy is the replacement for military power. But, correctly, the job of the military is to think tactically.

You cannot compare Pep to any Brazilian coach. If you put all Brazilian coaches together, you would get Pep. One has motivational skills, another is tactically strong. But Pep has it all.

You definitely need the right balance. You need players who are technically strong, but also tactically aware players, fighters, creative players. You need big players as well as agile ones.

There are certain aspects that cross over from ODIs to Tests. Tactically, they are quite different and you are a lot longer in the game. It is more like a war of attrition and you think tactically as bowlers.

It's not like I played my first football match in England. For me, football is pretty much the same everywhere; the ball is round, but maybe tactically, things are different than at other clubs I've played for.

Once you accept your own death, all of a sudden you're free to live. You no longer care about your reputation. You no longer care except so far as your life can be used tactically to promote a cause you believe in.

Tactically, technically, physically, mentally he was the best. A lot of things that I learnt was from Pele's sticker albums: how to head, how to shoot the ball. It was like a step-by-step guide. I learnt from Pele as a kid.

The group For Our Future's Sake will tour key marginal constituencies to ensure first that young people register to vote then, second, that they use that vote tactically to keep their hope of a final Brexit referendum alive.

Under Pep Guardiola, it's hard work. For me, Guardiola is one of the best coaches I've ever met. He's incredibly clever and tactically really good, and he knows how to speak to us, how to motivate us, and that's what it is like.

The war on drugs is wrong, both tactically and morally. It assumes that people are too stupid, too reckless, and too irresponsible to decide whether and under what conditions to consume drugs. The war on drugs is morally bankrupt.

When we are in possession, tactically, he is the best coach in the world for me. He works hard, watches a lot of games, and prepares us really well. Guardiola has the feeling for gaping spaces, and he already had that as a player.

As a child, you respond physically, tactically. You're delighted by sound, you're delighted by recognizing something. It's like hide and seek. Is it there? Is it not there? Is it this note? Is it not this note? It's one fantastic game.

You need good fitness from the players and the organisational structure has to be there from early on in pre-season because the games come so quickly that you don't have much time on the grass with the players to shuffle the pack tactically.

Whoever you are playing and whatever you are playing against you have to weigh up tactically how you approach that game. That has always been a part of my make-up, having made my way through every division and finding out what management is all about.

I think Falcao is one of the best strikers because of the way he plays, more than simply being a player with a lot of class, to define a game, a style of play. He's proven that he's a player who works hard; he's very strong both tactically and technically.

During my years of professional cricket in England, I realised that although the Australians were talented players, tactically they were a bit naive when compared to those who played full-time on the English circuit. You might find this arrogant, but that was the reality then.

In this age, I don't care how tactically or operationally brilliant you are: if you cannot create harmony - even vicious harmony - on the battlefield based on trust across service lines, across coalition and national lines, and across civilian/military lines, you need to go home, because your leadership is obsolete.

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