The Trump tax cuts mean business.

Tax cuts are an investment in working families.

We should stop arguing about tax cuts in this town.

I think the Bush tax cuts should be made permanent.

Tax cuts should be for life, not just for Christmas.

I still believe a majority of Republicans are for income tax cuts.

We need to restore the Bush tax cuts or actually make them permanent.

Temporary tax cuts don't create permanent confidence, nor permanent jobs.

I think we should worry about Social Security first and then tax cuts second.

It's really changed me. For the first time I'm in favor of the Bush tax cuts.

The right wing has an ecosystem that is funded by billionaires who want tax cuts.

Tax cuts that actually go to working-class, middle-class people, I'm not opposed to.

If you just want money and tax cuts and stuff, fine - just stop acting like you're moral.

Tax cuts for the rich defund the critical public programs on which American families depend.

The president is 100 percent for extending the tax cuts for 98.7 percent of small businesses.

Instead of creating new jobs, Republicans gave tax cuts to companies that send jobs overseas.

I'm a Red American; I believe in tax cuts. But I'm a Red American with a lot of Blue stripes.

The Bush tax cuts, they ought to be made permanent in my mind so there is certainty out there.

There are a lot of things you can say about the Bush tax cuts, but you can't say they didn't work.

The Right has focused on expanding economic liberty through tax cuts, free trade, and deregulation.

Marginal tax rates are the lowest they've been in generations, and all we can talk about is tax cuts.

Tax cuts create more jobs and this is something we as Republicans have to do a better job of marketing.

Even with not having a balanced budget at this time, I support tax cuts. That will help limit spending.

Tax cuts are one of many ways to stimulate the economy. Building infrastructure, for example, is another.

There were 23 or 24 separate tax cuts during the Giuliani administration. I'd love to be able to equal that.

Government is not being honest with taxpayers when it renews existing tax breaks and calls them new tax cuts.

Establishment idiots say the Trump tax cuts only helped the rich. Don't they understand anything about economics?

I have continuously said that, at the very minimum, the Bush tax cuts for income under $250,000 should be extended.

Apparently there are some Democratic leaders in the Senate that are running for office who now believe in tax cuts.

Tax cuts are like sex: When they are good, they are very, very good. And when they are bad, they are still pretty good.

I favor the extension of the middle-class tax cuts because in a recession they're stimulative and they help with demand.

We shouldn't be undermining Medicare for those who need it most in order to give more tax cuts to those who need them least.

If, if more stimulus means more tax cuts to small businesses, if, if more stimulus means middle class tax cuts, then I'm for it.

I don't believe, the president doesn't believe, that the high income tax cuts work, period. I don't think the evidence supports that.

Trickle-down economics does not work, and tax reform should not be defined as partisan tax cuts for the wealthy and huge corporations.

By keeping most tax rates at present levels, Obama and the Democrats will claim that they have championed tax cuts for the middle class.

When I see the sort of mindless tax cuts for the wealthy, cuts to education, I just think we've got it exactly backward in this country.

Liberal Democrats are inexorably opposed to tax cuts, because tax cuts give people more power, and take away from the role of government.

Let us invest less and less in war and tax cuts for the richest 1 percent, and more and more in jobs and schools for the other 99 percent.

It is time to recognize a simple fact of life. Contrary to what some of my colleagues seem to believe, tax cuts do not pay for themselves.

President Trump has doubled the Child Tax Credit and added thousands back into the average Americans' paycheck through tax cuts and wage growth.

If you want to leave move money in the hands of poor people, you cannot do it through personal income tax cuts. You have to just give them money.

You have to starve the Beast. That's one of the most important things about tax cuts. If you leave the money in Washington, it's going to be spent.

It's common sense to be for middle-class tax cuts and tax cuts on small businesses, to be for not allowing Medicare to be turned into voucher care.

I think Trump's done a very good job, especially with the economy, and we see he's cut regulation, I think the tax cuts really help spur some growth.

So when the only domestic social policy is tax cuts that mostly benefit the wealthiest Americans, we say, 'Where is faith being put into action here?'

There will be a big tax cut for the middle class. But any tax cuts we have for the upper class will be offset by less deductions that will pay for it.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is a strong start to help Mississippi families keep more of their hard-earned money and to help small businesses create jobs.

The President is destroying the fabric of America with a combined policy of war, tax cuts for the wealthy, and reductions in spending for domestic needs.

Tax cuts continue to benefit families, seniors, and small business owners, as evidenced by unparalleled economic growth in Nevada and across the country.

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