It's lose, lose for the taxpayer

We want taxpayers, not tax wasters.

Gambling is a bad deal for taxpayers

The taxpayers deserve accountability.

Gambling is being subsidized by the taxpayers

The taxpayer is the new permanent underclass.

I don't see any need to unduly burden the taxpayer.

Father was the most unreconciled taxpayer I ever knew.

The tax system is stacked against the average taxpayer.

Taxpayers would likely be responsible for treating addicts

All of my political career, I've fought for the taxpayers.

What I want to do is create more taxpayers, not more taxes.

...and that's what separates the professionals from the taxpayers

I certainly don't think that taxpayers should subsidize abortions.

I created jobs and saved the taxpayers money on every road I built.

Complacency by the watchdogs hurts both taxpayers and beneficiaries.

The economic impact of illegal immigration on taxpayers is catastrophic.

Democrats don't represent the taxpayers, they represent the tax-consumers.

Treat each federal dollar as if it was hard earned; it was - by a taxpayer.

Public institutions are supported by all taxpayers and are available to all.

We are saving taxpayers' money, I believe I am doing a very good job at mayor.

The administration has proved that it is addicted to wasting taxpayers' money.

I have bought my flat myself and never charged a penny of it to the taxpayers.

When someone describes themself as a taxpayer, they're about to be an asshole.

Believe me, I understand that most higher rate taxpayers are not the super-rich.

We need them. We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future.

Taxpayers deserve a government that harnesses technology to better serve the people.

President Obama has shown he has the vision to support average consumers and taxpayers.

Mandatory minimums have been shown to be discriminatory and waste the taxpayers' money.

Taxpayers don't need any more big government mandates that have proven to be disastrous.

I don't think I need to be an apologist for working hard and being a very large taxpayer.

Let's start with protecting taxpayers and making sure we have more fairness in the system.

Data indicate that taxpayers may be paying their public servants more than a little too much.

I have long believed taxpayers make better use of their money than the government ever could.

Taxpayers have long memories, especially when it comes to how their hard-earned money is spent.

If we want to increase revenue, we need more taxpayers. The way to do that is employ more people.

American taxpayers have been generous to Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

I'm not living off of any taxpayer money. If I am - if it's food stamps, it's a temporary resource.

Unlike Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, I never voted to provide taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood.

It is very difficult to spend "federal (the taxpayers') dollars" so that the intended result is achieved.

We are going to put an end to the notion that the American taxpayer exists to fund the Federal Government.

As American taxpayers know too well, the tax code is incredibly complex and compliance is all to expensive.

News flash: The federal government is not the most efficient institution in the world. Taxpayers know that.

The President must stop gambling with taxpayers' money and get the country back on the path of fiscal sanity.

Illegal immigration costs taxpayers $45 billion a year in health care, education, and incarceration expenses.

I never once considered that it was appropriate to put taxpayer money on the line in resolving Lehman Brothers.

The Medicaid expansion enacted under Obamacare is unaffordable for the taxpayers of Kentucky and should be repealed.

By cracking down on wage theft, we can make sure workers and taxpayers are not getting ripped off by crooked employers.

Being willing to donate the taxpayers' money is not the same as being willing to put your own money where your mouth is.

The important thing is that the principles that Senator Obama outlined originally are now embraced and taxpayers will be protected.

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