I try to tell the truth.

Above all, tell the truth.

Songwriters tell the truth.

The truth will lead me to all.

I believe in telling the truth.

Tell the truth and make it rhyme

Art is lies that tell the truth.

Tell the truth and not the facts.

Tell the truth and shame the devil.

To tell the truth is revolutionary.

It feels so good to tell the truth.

Myths are lies that tell the truth.

A writer's job is to tell the truth.

To tell the truth, I'd scare me too.

No one individual can tell the truth.

When you sing, always tell the truth.

It takes few words to tell the truth.

I think it's my job to tell the truth.

The writer's job is to tell the truth.

Tell the truth as soon as you know it.

It is very difficult to tell the truth.

When you tell the truth, people listen.

Stop telling the truth about my record!

Truth disappears with the telling of it.

Good writing is about telling the truth.

I will tell the truth wherever I please.

Playing guitar is like telling the truth.

Telling the truth is always revolutionary

Telling the truth is absolutely important.

I am never frightened when I tell the truth.

Sometimes you have to lie to tell the truth.

Outing is a nasty word for telling the truth.

It does not take many words to tell the truth

fiction is the great lie that tells the truth

All we can do is go around telling the truth.

The young are not afraid of telling the truth.

Truth-telling frightens me. Lying confuses me.

I feel a responsibility for telling the truth.

Don't spoil a good story by telling the truth.

Tell the truth, but make the truth fascinating.

Men are sometimes hanged for telling the truth.

but even the facts do not always tell the truth

Tell the truth, lies are difficult to remember.

I never saw any good that came of telling truth.

I'm not a great collaborator, to tell the truth.

The secret of good writing is telling the truth.

Now now, Emily, it isn't nice to tell the truth.

History is changed by martyrs who tell the truth.

An enemy is anyone who tells the truth about you.

As an actor, your main goal is to tell the truth.

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