Tension of opposites.

The 'enemy' in golf is tension.

Tension is the great integrity.

I am not afraid of the word tension.

Music is like a huge release of tension.

Too much tension can do bad things to you.

The true genius shudders at incompleteness.

The bow too tensely strung is easily broken.

Happiness is the relief after extreme tension

You can cut the tension with a cricket stump.

Tension is the cornerstone of any good story.

Tension is a prerequisite for creative living.

I have no tension. I only play to give my best.

To get along with me, don't increase my tension.

The tension between Jews and Arabs tears us apart.

Whatever tension is on set can end up on your face.

Why should I be feeling tension? It's The Daily Show.

The greater the tension, the greater is the potential.

Full of thrills and tension - but smart and human too.

One should never create tension between one's footwear.

In life, we like tranquility; in books, we love tension.

The best way to offset tension is with physical activity.

You have to create tension between reality and aspiration

Karma is the tension of the thread in the human tapestry.

Cities produce in me melancholy or a tension I don't need.

I didn't like the nervous tension of being a public person.

The tension between public and private science is powerful.

Narrative tension is primarily about withholding information.

It takes confidence and guts to intentionally create tension.

Humor comes from the surprise release of some buried tension.

Good stories are driven by conflict, tension, and high stakes.

One way to break up any kind of tension is good deep breathing.

I believe our emotional tension can manifest itself physically.

When you have no intention then you have no tension! Be flexible.

Great work is the result of seeking out tension, not avoiding it.

In California, there is a strong tension between north and south.

People don't realise how much tension they hold in their forearms.

Tension is anticipation and uncertainty. Every art has to have it.

Laughter can help relieve tension in even the heaviest of matters.

Maturity is achieved when a person accepts life as full of tension.

Some music will make you dance. Other music helps you release tension.

I feel no terror when I'm acting. There's no tension. It's just a part.

We need some creative tension; people crying out for the things they want.

I think there is always romantic tension between Lois Lane and Clark Kent.

Great companies foster a productive tension between continuity and change.

One lives one's life under constant tension, until it's time to go for good

In a democracy there will always be a tension between security and privacy.

So what does a good teacher do? Create tension - but just the right amount.

So what does a good teacher do? Create tension - but just the right amount.

Music in movies is all about dissonance and consonance, tension and release.

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