Me fail english? Thats unpossible.

Thats why my biggest problems were with LL and Run.

I really enjoy eating food thats light on the stomach.

As we age, we lose our muscle tone. Thats how we gain weight.

After I dropped 'Pull Up,' thats when I started really blowing up.

I'm not exposing anything thats private - that's one thing I won't do.

There's ways to amuse yourself while doing things and thats how I look at efficency.

I am really connected to my astral body. Thats why I think the study of chakras and auras are so important.

When a guy can make fun of you, thats attractive. Who knew that teasing could have so much power over women!

When I realized that you can actually impact people's lives like that through music, thats an incredible thing.

Stay hydrated! Thats the most important thing, in my opinion. Drink plenty of water, and use moisturizer every single day.

If it can affect me, if it has meaning to me, if I feel I can do it well, I will do it and record it and thats why I recorded these songs.

The big nest was in Afghanistan, thats not quite cleared, then there are nests in the Philippines, there are nests in Indonesia, the Malaysians are clearing up their nests.

If you live through the initial stage of fame and get past it, and remember thats not who you are. If you live past that, then you have a hope of maybe learning how to spell the word artist.

I've realized that being happy is a choice. You never want to rub anybody the wrong way or not be fun to be around, but you have to be happy. When I get logical and I don't trust my instincts - Thats when I get in trouble.

I have always been fascinated with romance and the fact that it is so effortless when we first fall in love but how it then becomes a conscious effort to stay creative and connected. Thats why I always say, 'Get wise: keep your romance alive.'

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