I don't believe in themes.

Themes recur again and again in my work.

I really love writing themes and melody.

I get very driven by certain themes and ideas.

I like the stories with the historical themes.

I think audiences can deal with these mature themes.

There's so many more themes of drag than just fierceness.

Themes around education and learning run through my work.

Variety of characters and themes bring out the best in me.

Family tends to be one of the recurring themes in my fiction.

As an actor, I am meant to dabble with different themes and genres.

I'm interested in themes that endure from generation to generation.

There's so many great themes from the '80s: 'Magnum,' 'Miami Vice.'

The themes and ideas embedded in 'Into the Woods' always spoke to me.

Demonic figures and occult themes have disappeared from modern magic.

Classical music's ability to translate emotional themes is fantastic.

When I write I'm never really thinking about themes or the universal.

Transformation, liberation and celebration are the themes of all my novels.

I don't consciously go out looking for themes. They attach themselves to me.

Fame is everywhere; the 15 minutes are now the dominant themes of our times.

Obviously, the 'Rocky' theme is one of the most recognizable themes in film.

Always when you are doing films, the themes swallow you in one way or another.

I think the themes of belonging and parentage and love are obviously universal.

I like the beauty of Faulkner's poetry. But I don't like his themes, not at all.

A lot of the themes of my movies, the actual stories, come from tabloid stories.

Shakespeare is all big themes, like the most amazing love, or the most scary war.

Climbing has a lot of themes that are applicable to people, no matter who you are.

I adore themes of hope and courage and the ways we find meaning through suffering.

My films are based on themes, so I always go for theme tracks and background score.

Change and renewal are themes in life, aren't they? We keep growing throughout life.

Themes only arise after a novel is written, and people begin to try to talk about it.

Themes on some TV shows are overdone. That 'Playhouse 90' theme music was an example.

Films with fresh themes and able directors are a pleasure to associate yourself with.

I've never had to search for themes. My films just come naturally out of my interest.

There are millions and billions of atoms of memory of all kinds of musical themes in me.

I think less is more. Sephora has these nude themes, which is like 'no make-up' make-up.

I think so many of the themes from the natural world mimic emotional themes in our lives.

I'm interested in morality and mortality, and 'Deadpool' kind of has all of these themes.

It's interesting that these themes of crime and political corruption are always relevant.

I like the idea of experimenting with all sorts of themes and just feeling free creatively.

It's important for me to talk about my life as a gay man, not gay themes per se, in my work.

I'm interested in working with great people and exploring great themes in different mediums.

Pay attention to the big themes because that's what will help you earn ten times your money.

It is a very beautiful story, 'The Crow.' It is a very tragic story with huge emotional themes.

You can get anything from Mozilla Firefox-based themes to nature themes to your own photographs.

Students and teachers should be sensitive towards the themes of empowerment of the marginalised.

We may play in a contemporary rock vein, use standard bebop themes, and many other things besides.

Thanksgiving is a season that is very much in accord with the themes and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Well I didn't actually see the Matrix but I've seen other movies where with similar sorts of themes.

The problem with themes is that writers don't realise they are themes until someone points them out.

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