Atheism is too theological.

All theological lore is becoming distasteful to me.

I don't think I could write a novel that wasn't theological.

At present, too much theological thinking is very human-centered.

A theological time bomb, set to go off with dramatic consequences.

We're one of the only bands that get censored for theological commentary.

I became intimately acquainted with the Bible only as a theological student.

A checkbook is a theological document, it will tell you who and what you worship.

... at no point have I yet found artistic truth and theological truth at variance.

Theological anthropology is a lot simpler when humans are the only ones with souls.

No argument for abortion survives scientific, philosophical, or theological scrutiny.

I occupy much of my time in theological studies for which I have a natural inclination.

I'm a theological writer mistaken for a political writer. My theme is grace versus karma.

In American religious history, theological qualms tend to get pushed aside when politics intervenes.

When we think about global warming at all, the arguments tend to be ideological, theological and economic.

Because we are the handiwork of God, it follows that all our problems and their solutions are theological.

I take it for granted that you do not wish to hear an echo from the pulpit nor from the theological class-room.

I do not have deep theological understanding or opinion, but I do not read the Bible as the literal word of God.

The 'Heirs of Alexandria' series mixes the Renaissance with magic and demons, based on a changed theological history.

God has hardwired me to thoroughly enjoy and be sharpened by good and friendly theological discussion about the gospel.

Evangelicalism as a movement is rushing headlong toward theological ambiguity, which is another way of saying apostasy.

The people that usually have the most trouble with my books are the ones that pick them apart from a theological point of view.

To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy.

Theological reflection takes place within history, but the history within which it takes place is an ongoing, open-ended process.

I first came to Jewish-Catholic relations in 1963, while studying for the rabbinate at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York.

Faith is more than getting a theological quiz right. Faith is to know, to assent, to put your trust in, and to cherish what is true.

The theories of the major philosophers of the 18th century secular enlightenment were biblical and theological in spite of themselves.

In religion, symbols have always played a iconographic and ritualistic role. Different symbols might represent different theological ideas.

Each department of knowledge passes through three stages. The theoretic stage; the theological stage and the metaphysical or abstract stage.

Every dogma, every philosophic or theological creed, was at its inception a statement in terms of the intellect of a certain inner experience.

At McCormick Theological Seminary I had to take Hebrew, so I began to read prophetic poetry, and suddenly it became the life I wanted to spend.

Authors as diverse as Rudyard Kipling, E. Nesbit, and J. R. R. Tolkien have shaped modern paganism as greatly as any theological underpinnings.

My main source for faith-based stuff is mostly the Bible, and a childhood with a much, much higher-than-median exposure to theological thought.

The rabbi is often the regular preacher in the synagogue, the man whose sermons offer his community more general theological and moral guidance.

Our purpose is simply to ask how theological principles can be shown to have usable secular analogues that throw light upon the nature of language.

I perceive two things in Scotland of the most fearful omen: ignorance of theological truth, and a readiness to pride themselves in and boast of it.

People don't do theology in a vacuum but in a community with other theological thinkers, where there's jealousy, vanity, hurt pride, all those things.

You can latch onto theological ideas that are, in fact, not accurate, and refuse to let them go. I think we've seen this a few times in church history.

Many readers fail to realize this, but 'The Color Purple' is a theological text. It is about the reclamation of one's original God: the earth and nature.

Theological writing is usually done in essays or books, but I hope to show that if we concentrate on sentences, we may well learn something we might otherwise miss.

Knotty theological questions are the least worrying of problems to me. Why? Because they will be resolved in the hereafter, and meanwhile they can be safely shelved.

I believe you have to keep the theological standard high; the Lord said, 'Be perfect,' and the leaders have to be striving for that standard with all there is in them.

The fact that monasticism preceded the identification of greed as a primal sin is an important reminder that our very ability to name sin is a theological achievement.

Theological formation is the gradual and often painful discovery of God's incomprehensibility. You can be competent in many things, but you cannot be competent in God.

Ancient metaphysics underwent many changes at the hands of medieval thinkers who brought it in line with the dominant religious and theological movements of their day.

The work with which we embark on this first volume of a series of theological studies is a work with which the philosophical person does not begin, but rather concludes.

I was never close to Jerry Falwell because he had his ministry, I had mine. And we came from different theological training and from a different psychological education.

The search for the Torah codes is rooted in the unfathomable theological premise that the Torah - itself a set of five books of limited length - contains literally all truth.

All theological lore is growing distasteful to me. All my recent excursions into such fields proves it to be a shifting, hypothetical, doubt-fostering, dusty, and unprofitable study.

I think that technology is essentially a continuation of a divestment of theological power that's been happening since The Enlightenment. It's the idea that God can see and hear everything.

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