The head thinks. The heart knows.

I can no longer live by thinking.

If you think well, you cook well.

I think Pans Labyrinth is genius.

I think the world of Chuck Berry.

Risk more than others think safe.

It's not the ink, it's the think.

It doesn't matter what you think!

I think mine is a very rich life.

I think the marketing needs work.

I write to find out what I think.

The problem is we think we exist.

How do rich people think and act?

Referees are only human, I think.

To think deeply of simple things.

Tatia: I think its too big to fit

I think writers are very anxious.

Great minds think for themselves.

Positive thinking breeds success.

I think better when I'm not sober

We think abortion is a bad thing.

Language is the dress of thought.

Clear thought makes clear speech.

I think I am upsetting the coach.

C.M. Punk...I think you're a nerd

People who think well, write well

I think it was hiding a princess.

I do think I'm a character actor.

I can't think without my glasses.

I think we can all agree. SHINEY.

Secrets interest us all, I think.

I think no virtue goes with size.

You have to think with the heart.

Think pink. A better way of life.

Few minds wear out; more rust out.

I am shyer than most people think.

I think it's better to have ideas.

I think I lead a really real life.

You think I look like a teletubby?

You can't worry what people think.

Everyone thinks his sack heaviest.

He thinks things through too much.

I think I'm a really hands-on mom.

I think bootlegging is kinda cool.

I am what I feel and think and do.

I don't think there's enough guns.

I think I'm chronically exhausted.

Language does our thinking for us.

I think I am a smarter player now.

Our thinking is a pious reception.

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