With a certain amount of time, people can't be crucified for what they've done wrong. It's what I always tell people.

As a team leader, I have always told my team to never give up. Analyse why you failed so that, next time, you know what should not be done.

Each day I record I'm always doing something different that I've never done. So I feel like I'm a new artist every time I go to the studio.

There's always a time when you think you've done your last song or you've written your last rap or, you know, people are not checking for you.

In martial arts, every time you graduate, move to another level, you don't forget everything you've done. You build on it, but it's always there.

You always have groups that want to come after the big bad developer. They don't want to see anything done. Don't disturb a blade of grass; just freeze the world in time. It validates them.

If I could go into a time machine and be in my 20s again and do 'Flora the Red Menace,' I would. That was always the one. I mean, have they done that? I don't think so. No one's done that show. That was sort of a dream role of mine.

I feel like maybe I'm part of that generation that became more of a gamer than a video consumer. It's always been something I've done with my spare time. If I had three hours on a Friday night, I'm not out partying. I'm probably playing video games.

A lot of the stuff that I've done has been more drama and less comedy. I've had some opportunities to do some comedy, and I've often wanted to do that because it fits with me very comfortably because I talk too much, and I'm always saying the wrong thing all the time.

Working with a lot of people at the same time is a task. I really like making stuff and getting stuff done. One of the things I really liked about Facebook was that I could always move so quickly. I wrote the original application in, like, nine days at the end of January.

I don't really give in to the critics because critics are always going to criticize, and what have they done? A person who has never done nothing can't really care nothing about doing something. So as far as the critics, I don't care what they think. I don't have time to give to critics.

Every time I do a play, it's as if I've never done one before. I'm always confused. I always am convinced I'm going to be fired. I'm like, 'I don't remember how to act. I don't know how to do this.' And, it's just a very slow process, and then, all of a sudden, it's just there one day. I still don't understand how it happens.

For some of my young female readers, it will be the first time they will have seen a Punjabi author be successful in the West. Because I'm dealing with topics that aren't always easily discussed, I know they will look up to me, because I would have done the same. So I just want to make sure I do right by them, wherever this takes me.

On radio, you're in your own little world. Every time I'd be doing a possible no-hitter - I think I've done something like 25 no-hitters and a couple of perfect games - I would always put the date on the tape. Not for me, but for the player, so that 25 or 30 years later when he's playing it for his kids or grandkids, you have that date.

As I have done in every election since I started voting so many years ago, I always like to take my time and examine the two candidates, see not only the two candidates but the policies they will bring in, the people they will bring in, who they might appoint to the Supreme Court, and look at the whole range of issues before making a decision.

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