I am ready any time. Do not keep me waiting.

I accept I am not everyone's cup of tea, but judge me over a period of time.

I am trying to do films that stay with me for some time. 'Banaras' stays with me.

My reputation precedes me all the time, but I'm not the monster people think I am.

The only time you will ever see me in drag is when I am - What? Getting paid. It is my job.

It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.

I can be jailed again at any time, it is very easy. They can say I am a criminal and just lock me up.

I am a voracious reader, so it's difficult for me to give a list of my favourite authors of all time.

There was a time when no one wanted me, and then, all of a sudden, I am working like crazy. It's insane.

I grew up with both my parents around me at all times, but my kids are not knowing who I am half the time.

For those looking at me, meeting me for the first time, it is the body they see. I am labelled as disabled.

As long as I am getting acceptance, I would rather take one step at a time and let the audience also accept me.

I am not running after gold medals; I am running after time. And once I get that, gold medals will run after me.

The Caldecott Award has allowed me to keep doing what I'm doing for some time longer, for which I am ever grateful.

I am what time, circumstance, history, have made of me, certainly, but I am also, much more than that. So are we all.

Every time I am in danger of believing the glamour of my own press, some incident inevitably brings me back to earth.

Mentally, I am very strong; physically I am very strong. I think that keeps me going. That keeps me strong all the time.

If you have read me for any length of time, you know I am less than enthralled with much of what passes for financial news.

What I am afraid of is... Gandhi. He has brains and always tried to put me in the wrong. I have to be on guard and alert all the time.

I cannot be awake for nothing looks to me as it did before, Or else I am awake for the first time, and all before has been a mean sleep.

Having a little boy has taken me to a very deep place. I am starting to realize everything I ever worried about was such a waste of time.

My main agenda as an actor is just to spend time with my characters - I am really glad that the roles being offered to me is very versatile.

I wish I am born again as Dev Anand, and people will see a young star 25 years later. That will give me some time to finish what I want to do.

When I was coach at Ajax, in the first half of the season, the players needed time to adapt to me, to know who I am as a person and as a coach.

I am finally a lady of leisure, and it suits me fine. For the first time in almost 10 decades, I don't have an agenda or a structure to my days.

I don't know if I'll end my career here. Perhaps by the time I am 33, Lazio will be so successful that they need more important players than me.

The things that are correct for me will come to me at the time that I am interested in them and have the capacity, the understanding, to do them.

I don't spend enough time with my children, but when I am with them, I like to help them with their homework - even though they know more than me!

I'm the kind of person who wants the people around me to be comfortable, to laugh, and to have a fabulous time - I want them to be as happy as I am.

Every so often, I am thanked for being 'unapologetically me.' I treasure those moments, those people, and remember them every time I'm feeling timid.

Then there are the people who know me from the lectures. What I am really trying to do, what I need to accomplish at this time, is to fill in the gaps.

As this is the first time I have had the floor, it may be well for me now to confess, that I am in the habit of freely imputing errors to my fellow-men.

I'm fun with people I know. But at the same time, people also say that I am a little cold, rude, and moody. 'Moody' is the word they generally use for me.

I'm very involved in Shred, constantly checking in on something. It takes a lot of time. But it has let me leverage who I am as an athlete into a product.

I am the youngest of three brothers so was constantly trying to upstage them all the time growing up, so that's why being a WWE Diva is so fitting for me.

I am very, very conscious of time. I always wear two watches. People ask me, 'Why do you do that?' Because I was late once,and it cost me a huge opportunity.

It's taken me a long time to become the person I am, for all the ugliness to fall away. The rotten flesh is gone, and the seed is there. I can touch that now.

I am an actor. Let me act, let me audition. Let me show what I can do. You need to surprise yourself every time and that will surprise the audience or casting person.

Acting in two films would mean four months of the year, which would leave eight months for me, and if Bollywood needs that time from me, I am ready to give it a shot.

There was a time when fast playing and fretboard pyrotechnics on the bass were important to me and when I am recording a bass track, that is still very important to me.

I can do whatever I want. They will tell me if what I am doing is stupid or a total waste of time. I may tell them that they are wrong, and we will come to an agreement.

It takes me some time to get into what I am doing - since I am not a trained actor, I don't have that skill. I have to think of what I am doing and how it comes through.

When I am captaining a side, the way I play would be the way my team plays as well. If I will be joking around all the time, I wouldn't expect people to take me seriously.

Initially, it took me time to realise that I am sharing screen space with Irrfan Khan. But when I started working with him, a lot of times I would end up laughing in a scene.

For most people watching 'Aiyyaa,' what I am down South or what I have achieved does not matter. They are going to look at me as an actor who they will see for the first time.

People tell me all the time that I look forbidding or aloof. That doesn't bother me much - I am fairly private, withdrawn, and... distant, I guess. But, um, I think that's okay.

Please don't ask me to do that which I've just said I'm not going to do, because you're burning up time. The meter is running through the sand on you, and I am now filibustering.

Living in Finland as a singer of Nightwish, I'm used to having people around me all the time that know who I am. In the Netherlands, people never really knew or cared or whatever.

I am getting better at facing the bouncers, as I know opposition tries to use those as a weapon against me. Yet, no one is perfect, and he takes time to master a particular thing.

I've known who I am as an artist for a long time; 'Idol' has shown me what I'm capable of. I know it's all possible for me now. I can go in any direction I want. I'm forever grateful to them.

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