I think when you've been in office for a long time, you have a record, and that record is fair game.

I'm passionate about the game - just like the fans are, and I've coached in the league for a long time, so that's the perspective I will bring to ESPN.

I have achieved more than I could have ever imagined and feel very privileged to have played for such a long time alongside some of the greats of the English game.

My game is - and I'm not saying I'm slow or anything like that, but my game is mental. My game is shooting; my game is efficiency. If I'm healthy, I feel like I can be effective for a long time.

Jay-Z ain't a manager; he owns a management company. He been through this; he been through the game for a long time, so he knows tactics in taking artists in certain directions we need to go in.

Me personally, I'm a guy who it took a long time to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. I relate to a lot of that finding oneself a little later in the game, or being thrown a curve later in the game.

I am taking each game as it comes, enjoying it and taking that little bit of extra time to look around a full stadium, because I know it's not going to last forever. But I will try and make it last as long as possible.

They should have a rule: in order to be a sportswriter, you have to have played that sport, at some level; high school, college, junior college, somewhere. Or, you should have had to have been around the game for a long time.

I can evaluate a player in a very short period of time because I'm very close to that game, very educated in that game and played the game for a long, long time. I wasn't just a guy with talent. I learned a lot about the game.

There are major benefits to building a game once and improving it over a long period of time based on user feedback and behavior. It's kind of depressing to have to build a game once, take all the user feedback, and then spend the next 3 years building another game.

I guess if I was made responsible for every single line of dialogue in a game and every single piece of textual visual detail, every sign or piece of graffiti, then yes, I think that would be comparable to the time and effort required to write a very long novel, indeed.

The Lord has blessed me to play this game. I'm going to try to play it as long as I can. But at the same time, I want to be able to watch my kids grow up, so I've gotten to where I'm a little more mild, and I don't take golf as seriously as I did in the earlier years of my career.

We had a lot of close games; we were losing games. Failing in those opportunities - when the game was close? And we needed a bucket or a stop? I wasn't able to come through. It's just... something that you get comfortable with as time goes on. You're OK with failing, as long as you're trying as hard as you can.

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