Humility is a very tough thing to have, especially when you're a tough guy.

The only tough thing is admitting to my wife how much a certain article of clothing costs.

You have to lose to win a silver medal, so that's always the tough thing to wrap your head around.

The tough thing about writing is you go into a room alone, you close the door and you do your work.

It's a very tough thing to run for office, but it's also the way the American people get to know you.

You have to be as original as possible. It's a tough thing to come up with something totally original.

Being out with an injury is always a tough thing, and coming back, you're never sure where you might fit in.

It's a tough thing to work with two different genders. You've gotta learn how to talk to women and talk to guys.

The important thing is authoring a game for an audience that will enjoy the experience. That's a tough thing to do.

The tough thing about these senatorial jobs is you get 'yes' or 'no' votes. Your whole job is to either say 'yes' or 'no' and explain why.

I'm depressed when I don't get to do music. Having to go back to doing something I don't like and am not passionate about would be a tough thing.

It's a tough thing, to know what to do about a war that deep in your gut you feel is wrong and yet watch your peers going off to fight in that war.

I would say I'm a boss who's learning, and I hope people have the patience for the fact that I'm learning along the way because that's a tough thing.

The really tough thing would have been to decide to take Woodward and Bernstein off the story. They were carrying the coal for us - in that their stories were right.

Osteoarthritis is a tough thing, brother. If my knee was broke, I would have had it fixed. But my situation is totally different. It's painful as hell is all I can say.

The bigger your platform gets - it kind of feels like being Godzilla sometimes. You make a slight move and you can accidentally knock over a building. It's a tough thing to navigate.

I think there's too many rules in golf. And I mean that's easy to say for a player, but putting together a rule book is a tough thing in this game because there are so many different parts of the game.

The tough thing about radio is I've met a lot of people in it who like my music. But it's hard for them to figure out how to play what they like when there's somebody up above them yelling 'you have to play this.'

The loss of my dad gave me a lot of inspiration because sometimes I stop and think, 'Would everybody have done the same thing that I did?' It was a very tough thing to cope with. I only went home for less than 24 hours.

It's a tough thing to know that when you're making your album, you're going to end up collaborating with, say, Wal-Mart, on your artwork. That just sucks. And the pressure behind getting the numbers real fast is, to me, dizzying.

I'm not being cynical, but I have to find work that is allowing me to pay bills and keep our lives going in a way that we're used to and trying not to betray my political beliefs while I'm doing it. Listen, it's a tough thing to do.

I would imagine that if you had a media brand that is solely focused on publishing 5,000-word stories with beautiful proprietary photographs and highly-produced videos, it would be a tough thing to make that economically sustainable.

I'm not the first player to have their home Grand Slam and not perform. There have been a few Australians and French players, you name it. It's a tough thing. But it is one of those things. Would I rather have a Grand Slam in my country than not? I would.

Anybody who carries the albatross of that teen-idol thing - well, people tend to look and say: 'There he is again. It's Fabian.' It's a very tough thing. Everybody wants to discount your talent because you have become so... I don't know... a god, if you will.

I have two cousins with juvenile diabetes. They both contracted the disease before the age of 5, and it was so heartbreaking watching them go through daily blood tests and injections. It is such a difficult disease to live with and requires constant attention; a tough thing to explain to a child.

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