World history is tragic.

This is a tragic world we live in.

Life is tragic but it's equally comic.

I don't think I have a tragic demeanor.

Life is hard. Not great. Kind of tragic.

It's a tragic fact to die in an accident

Charlie Brown is almost a tragic figure.

Life, a beauty chased by tragic laughter.

Life would be tragic if it weren't funny.

I don't need drugs to make my life tragic.

9/11 was a terrible, horrific, tragic day.

Boxing has become America's tragic theater.

For a truly religious man nothing is tragic.

I've had a lot of tragic hairdos and outfits.

Alan Turing is such an amazing, tragic story.

For a few spotty years, I was that tragic geek

I reject the idea of myself as a tragic figure.

Life is too tragic for sadness: Let us rejoice.

It's not tragic to die doing something you love.

Life is tragic comedy, in a way. There is humor.

You have to take the tragic and turn it to magic.

Humanity as a concept is neither comic nor tragic.

Romance classically has tragic underpinnings to it.

My life has been tragic and disastrous since birth.

What some folks find funny, other folks find tragic.

We live in a dark and romantic and quite tragic world.

Sleepy-head is no longer aroused by tragic imaginings.

For it not to be safe for kids in school, it's tragic.

It's tragic when people think feminism is a dirty word.

I think I am fascinated with slightly tragic characters.

Even the most tragic moments can have moments of comedy.

The whole campaign was a tragic case of mistaken identity.

Being dull and boring is far more tragic than being tacky.

A tragic life is romantic when it happens to somebody else.

I really am not affected by the tragic aspects of my books.

It's tragic from how far we've come from 'Hope and Change'.

Had the situation not been so tragic, we might have laughed.

Jealousy ought to be tragic, to save it from being ridiculous.

Some lives are tragic, some ridiculous. Most are both at once.

Nothing is more tragic - or more common - than mental inertia.

The tragic element of a character is always intriguing I think.

I have an artistic temperament, which is a really tragic thing.

I dont think tragic situations are necessarily devoid of beauty.

What seems tragic now won't even be an issue in a few years time.

Power is poison. Its effect on Presidents had always been tragic.

I don't think tragic situations are necessarily devoid of beauty.

Life is tragic and absurd, and none of it has any purpose at all.

This tragic brow, these closed eyes, eyebrows raised and knotted.

Life, in my view, is simple, tragic, and frighteningly beautiful.

The world is an infinitely fascinating, tragic and humorous place.

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