I really don't have a clear trajectory at all.

Happiness isn't a position. It's a trajectory.

Every city is always changing, on its own trajectory.

America and the world is not yet on the proper trajectory.

No one can control the aging process or the trajectory of illness.

Your first job can set the trajectory for the rest of your career.

There is no trajectory so pathetic as that of an artist in decline.

The speed and trajectory of BlackRock's ascent have been breathtaking.

Look, the fame rocket is only on the upward trajectory for a limited time.

Somebody up there likes me. It ain't like I've followed a well trodden trajectory.

Be patient. Do the best with what you know. When you know more, adjust the trajectory.

I think being able to juggle time and mind space comes with the trajectory of being an actor.

What I always say is, 'To each his own.' Everybody has a different trajectory or path in life.

I would love it if 'Community' could have a trajectory like '30 Rock' and choose when to go out.

Every character has its priorities, its path, its trajectory. So you prepare differently for each.

I think it's important that your first film be your worst film, that one's life trajectory should go up.

My six handbooks to Jewish life and lifecycle events mostly followed the trajectory of my adult Jewish life.

I don't really have foresight as an actor as far as career trajectory - I just stick to no-brainer situations.

Sometimes getting an idea of the trajectory we're on can be helpful and knowing where to go and what to avoid.

Broadway was always sort of my trajectory before I found film and television - that would be really tremendous.

English fiction was something I loved growing up, and it changed my life - it changed the trajectory of my life.

Given the accelerating velocity of history, we should begin charting deliberately the next phase in its trajectory.

Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech always sends me down some path, some trajectory of some creative idea.

I was kind of a slap hitter, trying to get base hits, hit line drives, stay below a certain trajectory with my ball.

I myself spent some time in prison, so I know the type of trajectory that a criminal offense can put on someone's life.

Monetary policy should never have been expected to shift economies to a sustainably higher growth trajectory by itself.

The creative scientific process is - It's kind of - It's a windy road that has a trajectory, but it's a slow trajectory.

I can't speak for the Warriors but for me and my career, being traded to the Celtics changed the trajectory of my career.

I think the ability to empathize with another person's experience and go into the trajectory of their journey is challenging.

If you don't have the story and the unfolding of the trajectory of the saga, it's like getting in a car and not having any gas.

I've always been sort of confused by the trajectory my life has taken. I was supposed to be on an assembly line building Buicks.

I don't accept as an article of faith that lots of short-term stimulus boosts the economy and gets us back on the long-term trajectory.

The markets are much more interested in America's long-term trajectory than they are in feeling that there is an acute short-term crisis.

When I began my practice, I said I'm going to be a pediatrician that really thinks about and understands a child's educational trajectory.

'Breaking Bad' and 'The Shield' were planned right from the start so that their narrative trajectory would come down in a blaze of fireworks.

I had a passion to not be a secretary forever. I was mindful of the customary career trajectory, and I knew I had to do something remarkable.

When you're doing a movie, it's finite - you have a trajectory of where your character's going, and you follow that. Then the storybook closes.

When we can get the incidence of HIV down enough to turn the trajectory of the pandemic, it will assume a momentum of its own in diminishing HIV.

I don't really recognise success. I don't see myself as on an upwardly mobile trajectory. I see myself as on the edge of a cliff about to fall off.

The need to change our country's fiscal trajectory, including reforming entitlement programs, is an unassailable reality that will define our time.

If people don't think about their finances and get involved with building a financial trajectory early in life, it's kind of a substantial problem.

I had this crazy trajectory. I went from literally living in a hostel in L.A. at the beginning of 2015 to shooting 'Stranger Things' at the end of 2015.

If we want to defeat Hillary Clinton and have a chance to change the trajectory of our country, we need to unite behind the Republican ticket this November.

We all would love the idea of people getting what's coming to them in books and in life, but sometimes the trajectory is a little more complicated than that.

So we can't go backwards, we can only go where the evolutionary trajectory is taking us and attune our ideas about ourselves and our existence to that course.

Miami has been a second home where I have lived and worked for many decades and a crucial place in the trajectory of sharing my message with global audiences.

After making repeated attempts to change my career trajectory and having those efforts turned down, my passion for playing the role of a WWE Superstar went away.

Well, I've obviously been a great source of inspiration to the academic population of Salford! They're citing me as a major contribution to their upward trajectory!

An actor can come in with a specific energy and get it on film over several days or weeks, but as the producer, I'm responsible for the overall trajectory of the project.

Although it is still important to develop an HIV vaccine, we have significant tools already at our disposal that can make a major impact on the trajectory of this epidemic.

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