When people tell me they've learned from experience, I tell them the ...

When people tell me they've learned from experience, I tell them the trick is to learn from other people's experience.

I'm not a one-trick horse.

I've had dreams about tricks.

Movies are like magic tricks.

When in doubt, win the trick.

Sanity - a trick of agreement

Trick names are so ridiculous!

The trick is to never lose hope!

You have to find your own tricks!

A technique is a trick that works.

A solid giggle should do the trick.

To me, politics is a pile of tricks.

You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.

It is hard to teach an old dog tricks.

They do tricks even I can't figure out.

Signori has all the tricks up his book.

All human existence is a trick of light.

The shower trick. Let's hear it, Kendall

Hookers do tricks, magicians make magic.

You can't teach an old dogma new tricks.

Dying is no big deal. Living is the trick.

Never apologize, it's all part of the trick.

If you deal with a fox, think of his tricks.

I've done all my tricks. I'm tired of myself.

I think that's the trick: wanting what I have.

When I look at tricks, I look at Michael Vick.

Religion is like magic. It is all about tricks.

The trick isn't adding stuff, it's taking away.

The tricks of today are the truths of tomorrow.

Of course, in all magic tricks theres a secret.

Of course, in all magic tricks there's a secret.

I've always got a couple of tricks up my sleeve.

If there was a trick, there must be a trickster.

Seasoned queens can also learn new tricks, right?

Death is the great gamer with a sleeve of tricks.

The trick in life is learning how to deal with it.

The trick is: you have to feel good for no reason.

All I am is the trick of words writing themselves.

Anyone can attract a man. The trick is to keep him.

The trick to any profession is making it look easy.

I learned a lot of painting tricks painting outside.

Life is a trick, and you get one chance to learn it.

For my next trick I will make everyone understand me.

We are all born children- the trick is remaining one.

The trick is, when there is nothing to do, do nothing.

If everybody knows all the tricks, it's no more magic.

Suicide is no more than a trick played on the calendar.

He taught me how to fly on my own and learn the tricks.

Craft is a trick you make up to let you write the poem.

It's easy, there's a trick to it, you do it or you die.

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