All true stories end in death.

But this too is true: stories can save us.

If you tell a true story, you can't be wrong.

You, my lord, are the ending of all true stories.

A story-a true story-can heal as much as medicine can.

They weren't true stories; they were better than that.

True stories deal with hunger, imaginary ones with love.

You don't have to have a true story to make a true story movie.

Nothing is funnier than a true story told by a bitter old black man.

All fiction is based on truth - 'Madame Bovary' is based on a true story!

The architecture of a story can be a little bit different if it's a true story.

Whenever you write a true story, it's not going to go over 100 percent well with everybody.

When you get to do something based on a true story, it always raises the level of excitement.

If a film is based on a true story and you don't use anyone's name, you can do what you like.

How can an article about me or the Batman be the true story when I am not consulted or interviewed?

What is truth? What is a true story? Who is telling the truth, and what is truth in this world today?

Don Juan's story can have no end, and that, on my word, is the definitive and true story of 'Don Juan.'

Truth is quite constricting, in a way. You endlessly see at the start of a film 'This is a true story'.

People love a true story and especially a true story where two people from opposite worlds come together.

A true storyteller is really good at writing himself into a corner and then finding a way out of that corner

It's hard when you're doing a film based on a true story to really figure out what all those relationships were.

It's a very weird thing, making a true story, because you need your freedom, as filmmakers, to do what you need to do.

My mom used to call me Joshy Boucher. I watched 'The Waterboy' so much, my mom started calling me Joshy Boucher. True story.

Tell them stories. They need the truth you must tell them true stories, and everything will be well, just tell them stories.

One of my favorite movies is the old Depardieu film 'The Return Of Martin Guerre,' which is actually a true story and a book.

My responsibility is to try to tell true stories. To me a true story is always hopeful, but never simply, uncomplicatedly happy.

Anytime you have the opportunity to do any kind of story that is based on a true story, I think those are the most inspirational.

Marco Polo has been kind of buried under this cloud of rather banal historical dust, when the true story is so much more exciting.

I would love to do a sports biopic. I love sports and I think it would be amazing to be a part of a true story and play an athlete.

My book 'Ali Pasha' tells the true story of a young sailor Henry Friston, who, in the hell-fire of battle, forms an unusual friendship.

Everyone knows and loves Elton John's music, but the true story of his life is so incredible that it can only be described as a fantasy.

I had so much fun playing songs from 'Based On A True Story...' and getting to see the crowd's reaction to those songs was unforgettable.

I did a film called 'Fort McCoy,' based on a true story of one of the few internment camps during WWII that was actually in the United States.

Because 'The Boy With The Topknot' is a true story there are so many specific details that are true, current, accurate and haven't been made up.

Truth may be stranger than fiction on a plot and narrative basis, but fiction can investigate tone in a way that things based on a true story can't.

This is a true story. The day after Reagan won, I was walking into the courthouse when someone said that they'd bet Reagan would appoint me U.S. attorney.

If you think of the typical Herbalife distributor and their level of sophistication, to this day I still don't understand the marketing plan - true story.

When you play a character that's someone real, when you're playing a true story, it's really great 'cause you're not pretending to make up some silly thing.

It's true about the eyes being the window to the soul. Your face can be etched with worry, and twisted by ageing, but the eyes tell the true story of who you are.

The film 'Harjeeta' is based on the remarkable true story of a underdog, who overcomes his circumstances, fights against all odds and at end, comes out as a winner.

My sister was drowning in the ocean once, and my brother and I dove in and saved her. True story. She owes us her life. It's great leverage; we abuse it all the time!

The blues is nothing but a story... The verses which are sung in the blues is a true story, what people are doing... what they all went through. It's not just a song, see?

For me to play any true person in a film based on a true story, I always want to make sure that it doesn't mock and it certainly doesn't trivialize the events that took place.

'Operation Ajax' presents history in an entirely new way. It takes a true story and uses cutting-edge technology, never before used in this way, to bring it to spectacular life.

'Molly's Game' was a true story about a remarkable young woman named Molly Bloom. She was this close to going to the Olympics; she was ranked third in North America in women's moguls.

I look for the dark story, where something secret was done. I read and read and pick up the trail of a true story. I use nothing but true stories. They are so much better than phony ones.

'50/50' is a comedy. I shouldn't say it's a buddy comedy because it's not farcical, and it's based on a true story, but it's viewing that experience through a very truthful lens of humour.

When people hear the name 'Marco Polo,' they tend to think of a map or explorer. Very few people know the true story of Marco Polo, and it's so much more compelling and exciting than the mythology.

Fiction has consisted either of placing imaginary characters in a true story, which is the Iliad, or of presenting the story of an individual as having a general historical value, which is the Odyssey.

It's a film called 'Kursk', which is a true story about a submarine disaster. There was an accident on board a Russian submarine in the year 2000, and it stranded a large number of sailors. That's next.

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