I have had nice years in Turkey.

Turkey will be in Cyprus forever.

Turkey is a safe country. Stay there.

Generally, I get bad reviews in Turkey.

The E.U. should want Turkey to be part of it.

Why shouldn't Turkey be in the Shanghai Five?

Soccer is taken extremely seriously in Turkey.

Turkey has a long, proud democratic tradition.

I have never seen homosexual chicken or turkey.

Romania strongly supports Turkey's E.U. accession.

I love to cook. I make an award-winning turkey chili.

When I was coaching in Turkey, my players played well.

The West has the wrong perception about Turkey itself.

Turkey does not have an official exchange rate target.

The most important problem that Turkey has is education.

Turkey was a peaceful county, Turkey was a lovely county.

The turkey has a destiny which ends on San Martino's day.

Turkey's economy is powerful enough to tackle tough times.

Turkey has worked alongside its allies from the beginning.

No more turkey, but I'd like some more of the bread it ate.

Bear in mind how valuable a secular Turkey is for the world.

The easiest way to get into northern Iraq is through Turkey.

I am not moving to some club in the desert, China or Turkey.

I was nearly struck by lightning on an excavation in Turkey.

Turkey, Australia, and Japan are three of my top destinations.

Ground turkey is fantastic in a comforting classic - meatloaf.

If the E.U. is going to make Turkey a full member, we are ready.

I want to be remembered as the biggest philanthropist in Turkey.

Israel is thirsting for water, and Turkey is overflowing with it.

We shouldn't have a president invested in either Russia or Turkey.

I've roasted a somewhat frozen turkey, and it's come out just fine.

In Turkey people really love sport, they only think about football.

We, as Turkey, call on Europe to respect human rights and democracy.

Northern Iraq has become, economically, a natural extension of Turkey.

To say, that Capt. Ingraham violated the rights of Turkey, is nonsense.

My friends and family in Turkey could be arrested just for talking to me.

Turkey hunting is my passion because I love the thrill of calling them in.

I have nothing against turkey. We eat turkey for Thanksgiving in my house.

Turkey shares Europe's fundamental values of democracy and the rule of law.

We are convinced that Turkey would be a useful member of the European Union.

If I can change one person's opinion about Turkey being dangerous, I'm happy.

Turkey burgers receive a fair amount of disparagement, and it's not unfounded.

Turkey's a NATO member. If Turkey gets attacked, we have to help defend Turkey.

If you are buying a larger turkey than usual, make sure it will fit in the oven.

We need to have Turkey respect democracy, human rights, and fundamental freedoms.

Poverty brings one blessing in Turkey - the poor man is of necessity a monogamist.

You should brine your turkey. Don't even think about not brining your turkey. Ever.

Because of our Turkish roots, we still have a very strong relationship with Turkey.

Thank God for YouTube. Every Thanksgiving, I'm bombarded with 'Turkey Lurkey Time.'

The key to Turkey's success has been its ability to reinvent itself as times change.

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