I love to talk with the umpire.

Peace is the umpire for doing the will of God.

Stay in school kids or you'll end up being an umpire.

Your job is to umpire for the ball and not the player.

Stay in college, kids. Otherwise, you may become an umpire.

I am deeply saddened and shocked at the loss of umpire Wally Bell.

I never questioned the integrity of an umpire. Their eyesight, yes.

An angry player can't argue with the back of an umpire who is walking away.

I am primarily a lawyer. I would rather play in the game than be the umpire.

You argue with the umpire because there is nothing else you can do about it.

I set out to be the best umpire of my time. But I don't know what it takes to be great.

You can't know what it's like to be a major league umpire unless you were a major league umpire.

I didn't mean to hit the umpire with the dirt, but I did mean to hit that bastard in the stands.

I was a great base umpire, but I was the most mediocre plate umpire to ever come into the major leagues.

The way I see it, an umpire must be perfect on the first day of the season and then get better every day.

Anyone who votes for McGowan is 100 percent right. He was a great umpire. He belongs in the Hall of Fame.

Take pride in your work at all times. Remember, respect for an umpire is created off the field as well as on.

My dad was a carpenter and I would work with him during the summer and umpire on the nights I wasn't playing.

Whenever you have a tight situation and there's a close pitch, the umpire gets a squawk no matter how he calls it.

The public wouldn't like the perfect umpire in every game. It would kill off baseball's greatest alibi - 'We was robbed.'

The job of arguing with the umpire belongs to the manager, because it won't hurt the team if he gets thrown out of the game.

I must admit, I was born to officiate; I was made to officiate. I miss it. I knew why I was doing it. God made me to umpire.

Umpiring is a tough job. Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't want to be an umpire. You've got a split second to make a decision.

To me, there is no more conscientious umpire in the Major Leagues than Jim Joyce. He gives you a hellacious effort every time.

It became the joke of the neighbourhood. If the umpire ruled me out on a bad call, I'd take the fake eye out and hand it to him.

In the olden days, the umpire didn't have to take any courses in mind reading. The pitcher told you he was going to throw at you.

A bowler should be allowed to point out to an umpire that a batsman is backing up, leaving the officials to watch what is going on.

Many baseball fans look upon an umpire as a sort of necessary evil to the luxury of baseball, like the odor that follows an automobile.

I was an umpire at little league softball games. I only lasted a few games because I wasn't one hundred percent clear on all the rules.

Most plays that are missed by the umpire are caused by the umpire not reading those cues early enough and making the proper adjustments.

When I was 11 I had to umpire a game. I got hit in the head and got knocked out. The ball was hit straight back, hit the bail and knocked my head.

No one respects the umpire's job more than I do; but, if I were a manager, I would probably be ejected three or four times a season fighting for my team.

Most of the umpires, it's amazing: 98 percent of them will not hold a grudge. I always felt a couple of them did. I never wanted to argue with an umpire in my life.

Some fans have a mistaken opinion of the average umpire. He is human, all reports to the contrary. Every fellow who is successful is conscientious to almost a fault.

It is the duty of the Umpire to determine all questions submitted to him according to these laws, when they apply, and according to his best judgment when they do not apply.

Anyone interested in becoming a professional umpire and becoming eligible to work in the minor leagues must attend one of the two umpire schools sanctioned by Major League Baseball.

Yes, I was in that game where George Brett hit that home run. Billy saw there was too much pine tar on the bat and he went to the umpire, the next thing we knew they were fighting about it.

Baseball is a game where a curve is an optical illusion, a screwball can be a pitch or a person, stealing is legal and you can spit anywhere you like except in the umpire's eye or on the ball.

Our students learn more in 30 days than one could learn in 30 years without our training. To really maximize your potential as an umpire, you need to get a solid foundation as soon as you can.

The only thing I'd say about Darrell Hair is that he is a very good umpire. He's very firm and he obviously sticks to his guns. I wouldn't have any qualms about him coming back into Test cricket.

You had to pitch in and out. The zone didn't belong to the hitters; it belonged to the pitchers. Today, if you pitch too far inside, the umpire would stop you right there. I don't think it's fair.

When I was 14, I played in a summer league. One night the chief umpire asked me if I would like to try umpiring. There was a Little League tournament coming up and he needed more umpires than he had.

I want you to know that I am one of the more fortunate people in life. There aren't too many of us that somebody selects and says, 'You know, that guy ought to be an umpire.' That's what happened to me.

Football has end zones and goal posts; basketball has the hoop, and hockey the goal cage. Baseball is the only game with an imaginary box: the strike zone, which the umpire determines at his own discretion.

Do you have to be like a second-grade dropout to be an umpire? Did you go to school until you were 8 years old? I think you quit school before you were 10. Stay in school kids or you'll end up being an umpire.

Sometimes you've just got to let an umpire know that you're not satisfied with his decision. That they've missed the play in your opinion. Not that it's going to do you any good, but you've got to let them know.

A Treasury Secretary or a President should be out here not fighting S&P, not grabbing the other coach and slapping him around, taking the umpire behind the barn. He should be getting the team psyched to overcome.

I was correct in every call I made, regardless of what managers, players or replay may have said. To me, that's the reason I'm in the Hall of Fame. If I didn't umpire with conviction, I wouldn't have made it for long.

As we all know, Cooperstown is the home of baseball. One of the many duties of the home plate umpire is to make sure that the runner touches home. Well, if you're a true baseball fan, you need to visit Cooperstown. This is home.

If either player abandon the game by quitting the table in anger, or in an otherwise offensive manner; or by momentarily resigning the game; or refuses to abide by the decision of the Umpire, the game must be scored against him.

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