I love playing around with ideas and turning them into something useful or fun.

Seeing the funny side of life is useful, and I've always had a sense of humour.

Choose the life that is most useful, and habit will make it the most agreeable.

True charity is the desire to be useful to others with no thought of recompense.

I got what I needed out of Princeton in 1 year, and I didn't think it was useful.

Stories can bring alive the moral universe in a very vivid, useful, engaging way.

Armaments; extremely useful for fighting wars, a deadweight in any civil economy.

I learned how to fire a sniper rifle, which I'm sure will be useful at some point.

Feeling useful in medicine allows me to not feel so stupid when making up stories.

Our duty is to be useful, not according to our desires but according to our powers.

It's useful to go out of this world and see it from the perspective of another one.

I don't give interviews on Chanel because it is not useful for the Chanel business.

I was in therapy as a child and definitely think that therapy is a very useful tool.

I wish we could do something useful with tobacco - like making fertilizer out of it.

The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue.

I'm always trying to find brain food and indulge in knowledge that's gonna be useful.

To me, a painter, if not the most useful, is the least harmful member of our society.

I have never personally seen a hand transplant that is more useful than a prosthesis.

Frustration is fuel that can lead to the development of an innovative and useful idea.

In the old days when people invented a new function they had something useful in mind.

Without free speech no search for truth is possible... no discovery of truth is useful.

Now that the House of Commons is trying to become useful, it does a great deal of harm.

Conscious breath control is a useful tool for achieving a relaxed, clear state of mind.

We have to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and the future.

The destroyer Cork, like the useful hero for whom it is named, will be game to the last.

To think is of itself to be useful; it is always and in all cases a striving toward God.

Diplomats are useful only in fair weather. As soon as it rains they drown in every drop.

I think it'd be useful for parents to know kind of what is the culture of an institution.

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.

The most useful thing about a principle is that it can always be sacrificed to expediency.

Rational discussion is useful only when there is a significant base of shared assumptions.

It's also somewhat in the center of a number of things that will be useful to the company.

To reach something good it is very useful to have gone astray, and thus acquire experience.

Books that you carry to the fire, and hold readily in your hand, are most useful after all.

How can I be useful, of what service can I be? There is something inside me, what can it be?

In art, theories are as useful as a doctor's prescription; one must be sick to believe them.

Always think of what is useful and not what is beautiful. Beauty will come of its own accord.

Anytime you learn something new, you're just trying to file it away - might be useful one day.

Every combination of two or more human beings has both a useful aspect and a political aspect.

There is no power on earth that can neutralize the influence of a high, simple and useful life.

It is one thing to recognise certain potentially useful affinities, and another to act on them.

If they want to write about me in a good way, they should write how I do things that are useful.

My puppets are far more liberated than I am. Ventriloquism is a useful way of expressing myself.

The theater is who I am - it's where I feel the most inspired, the most at home, the most useful.

The Internet's great promise is to make the world's information universally accessible and useful.

I don't work with anyone out of a sense of charity. I use people as long as they are useful to me.

Basic research is very useful, but it should be more geared toward application than it was before.

I come from the performance world, but the idea of a worship song is different. It's useful music.

In computing, turning the obvious into the useful is a living definition of the word 'frustration'.

It seems that singing is the only thing I've been able to do and fortunately it seems to be useful!

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