I'm creating art that can be healing. Art that can make you feel like you're not alone, like you're not an outsider. Art that is useful.

It's important to ask yourself, How am I useful to others? What do people want from me? That may very well reveal what you are here for.

QR codes have always been a kind of half-measure, a useful but inelegant transitional technology; the ultimate goal is augmented reality.

A mind at liberty to reflect on its own observations, if it produce nothing useful to the world, seldom fails of entertainment to itself.

My game is such that I either succeed or fail. But I always hope to do something which is useful to the team at the start of the innings.

By and large, prisons are survivable, though hope is indeed what you need least upon entering here; a lump of sugar would be more useful.

I'd like to do a television show that is encouraging, useful, and clean, and I'd like to go up against Entertainment Tonight and beat it.

I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.

To me, creative work is labor, like any other kind of labor. It's got value, and it takes your time, and it's useful to people, depending.

A sense of duty is useful in work but offensive in personal relations. People wish to be liked, not to be endured with patient resignation.

Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth.

I think a spell abroad for anybody is incredibly useful. It gives you a great sense of perspective, and you see other ways of doing things.

To some extent, people who are insane are nonconformists, and society and their family wish they would live what appear to be useful lives.

Not only does the summer bring warm weather and tons of summer activities, but it also yields a fresh crop of increasingly useful avocados!

Leisure and curiosity might soon make great advances in useful knowledge, were they not diverted by minute emulation and laborious trifles.

It might be useful to distinguish between pleasure and joy. But maybe everybody does this very easily, all the time, and only I am confused.

I believe it has been said that one copy of The Times contains more useful information than the whole of the historical works of Thucydides.

Men value things in three ways: as useful, as pleasant or sources of pleasure, and as excellent, or as intrinsically admirable or honorable.

Design and technology should be the subject where mathematical brainboxes and science whizzkids turn their bright ideas into useful products.

Primary education was in the first place to teach people to be good people. Only secondary education teaches people to also be useful people.

It's okay to be inspired by other people and it can be a useful learning tool to play other people's music, but let out what's inside of you.

Transcendental meditation in particular is very useful in terms of unlocking those deeper parts of the subconscious where ideas are floating.

Good analysis is very useful when you want to convert a political decision into an investment. It can also go the other way and drive policy.

We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience.

Men tell me that I've saved their marriages. It costs them a fortune in shoes, but it's cheaper than a divorce. So I'm still useful, you see.

The ultimate goal is to be an interesting, useful, wholesome person. If you're successful on top of that, then you're way ahead of everybody.

I do not doubt that we would become more useful if we praised God more, and others would join us, for they would see that God has blessed us.

Each individual fact, taken by itself, can indeed arouse our curiosity or our astonishment, or be useful to us in its practical applications.

I don't think that experience is a very useful or convincing attribute for a sensible foreign policy. Henry Kissinger had a lot of experience.

Pilots are useful. You just learn things during a pilot - the piece of casting that just wasn't right or things about the storytelling nature.

Boredom or discontent is useful to me when I acknowledge it and see clearly my assumption that there's something else I would rather be doing.

I wanted a simple one-bedroom apartment that would impress people when they walked in but that was otherwise extremely comfortable and useful.

Putin is sometimes described as a revanchist, seeking to recreate the Soviet Union. That is a useful shorthand, but it is not really accurate.

Meditation here may think down hours to moments. Here the heart may give a useful lesson to the head and learning wiser grow without his books.

Certain classes of weapons that are strictly military and have no useful purpose in sport, hunting, or self-defense should not be legally sold.

The ego being shattered is not what frightens me - that can be useful for writing - but the ego being inflated is sort of like it dying of gout.

How many people make themselves abstract to appear profound. The most useful part of abstract terms are the shadows they create to hide a vacuum.

The scientist does not study nature because it is useful; he studies it because he delights in it, and he delights in it because it is beautiful.

Money's fine if it enables you to enjoy your life and to be useful to other people. But as something that is a means to an end, no, it's useless.

The same energy of character which renders a man a daring villain would have rendered him useful in society, had that society been well organized.

Women of all classes are awakening to the necessity of self-support, but few are willing to do the ordinary useful work for which they are fitted.

The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free government.

Worst case scenario, nothing I do has any value or purpose, but if I can make someone laugh, I'm at least as useful as a piece of quiche would be.

If it's good for me to go to the national team and play there - not just go there to give experience but to play and be useful - I think it's good.

Invention consists in avoiding the constructing of useless contraptions and in constructing the useful combinations which are in infinite minority.

I think that 'minimalist' is a useful label for other people to identify me, but from my standpoint, I doesn't necessarily have an identity as that.

Early on, it's good to develop the ability to write. Learning to write is a useful exercise, even if what you're writing about is not that relevant.

The purpose of science is not to analyze or describe but to make useful models of the world. A model is useful if it allows us to get use out of it.

I like it when someone tells me 'I don't agree.' This is a true collaborator. When they say 'Oh, how great, how great, how great,' that's not useful.

To read a book, to think it over, and to write out notes is a useful exercise; a book which will not repay some hard thought is not worth publishing.

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