Designers are not users.

Users are not designers.

Your customer is not your user

[I'm]a freak user of words, not a poet.

Sure, but competition is good for the user.

I'm actually not a cannabis user frequently.

Casual drug users should be taken out and shot.

Cameraphones will be rejected by corporate users.

DOS is ugly and interferes with users' experience.

You have to know what your users are experiencing.

Content is often the reason users come to your site.

The least flexible component of any system is the user.

'Instagram' reached 13 million users in just 13 months.

The users space is lived - not represented or conceived.

We obviously try to be in tune with what our users want.

Power is neither good nor evil, but its user makes it so.

You don't have to please everyone-you have to please the user.

The next wave of the Web is going to be user-generated content.

I could take on England, but I couldn't take on one heroin user.

Give users what they actually want, not what they say they want.

Design negotiates between technology, policy, systems, and users.

I love that our engineers are first and foremost 'Instagram' users.

The opinions of a convenience sample... may not represent all users.

Today Facebook went public, just as Myspace's last user went private.

Many people still regard many users of public services as undeserving.

Why is it drug addicts and computer afficionados are both called users?

A language presupposes that all the individual users possess the organs.

Any time you build a network, you have to help users find their friends.

Some of the most successful businesses succeed by exploiting their users.

In fact, we just surpassed our first 1 million simultaneous users online.

Middle-income countries are the biggest users of GMOs. Places like Brazil.

Businesses and users are going to use technology only if they can trust it.

The fundamental truth for developers is they will build if there are users.

When key users told us something wasn't working, we fixed it - immediately.

The utmost thing is the user experience, to have the most useful experience.

I'm a library user and I just don't hoard books. To me, they're for sharing.

I'm trying to correct what is wrong in journalism today: wasting users' time.

User-centered design means working with your users all throughout the project.

Today we have 1 billion users on the Net. By 2010 we will have maybe 2 billion.

Users are open to ads as long as they're relevant to their realtime experience.

Today we have 1 billion users on the Net. By 2010 we will have maybe 2 billion.

Solving problems for users at scale ultimately results in monetization opportunities.

Mobile Messaging is rapidly becoming the primary way users engage socially on mobile.

Well Web services are nothing more than a way for users to interact with applications.

Companies have choices to make about what extent they're handling their users' content.

As users of the Internet, we all have a role to play in defining what we want it to be.

We're excited to bring the expansive world of Roblox to Android users around the world.

The Internet was invented in America but has found its largest number of users in China.

Within Internet users, you have a big chunk of people who can convert to online shopping.

Hulu is about the shows, not the networks. The shows are the brands that users care about.

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