Computer viruses are alive.

Images contaminate us like viruses.

We've created life in our own image.

Humanity is just a virus with shoes.

Language is a virus from outer space.

hate is a virus, revenge its only cure!

Help cure the world of the faith virus.

Form is the host; content is the virus.

I can become a positive virus, a hope virus.

Language is a virus, money is a nasty disease.

I think computer viruses should count as life.

Laughter is a virus that infects you with humanity.

We really depend on viruses for our complete survival.

For the average home-user, anti-virus software is a must.

Every time somebody new gets the Ebola virus, it mutates.

Whining is a virus, a lethal, infectious, epidemic disease.

Independent development can be a virus that can infect others.

Any virus that's been sequenced today - that genome can be made.

An inefficient virus kills its host. A clever virus stays with it.

If we say that religion is a virus, then why isn't science a virus?

Being overly sensitive to rejection can become a destructive virus.

The problem of viruses is temporary and will be solved in two years.

Only one form of contagion travels faster than a virus. And that's fear.

Ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread just like viruses do.

I think most religious belief structures are essentially like mind viruses.

Tobacco, UV rays, viruses, heredity, and age are the main causes of cancer.

Bits of ignorance are like viruses that are copied and spread by interaction.

People say to me now, Oh, youve given up the piano. How can you? Music is a virus.

The underground and the alternative is going to be substituted with being a virus.

The single biggest threat to man's continued dominance on the planet is the virus.

Viruses don't just make us sick. They can actually sometimes end up in our genomes.

…there was no more safety to be found in love than there was to be found in a virus.

Lyc-V is a jealous virus. It exterminates all other invaders with extreme prejudice.

Science that fails to embrace all living beings is far more dangerous than any virus!

I pictured myself as a virus or a cancer cell and tried to sense what it would be like.

The idea of the live-virus vaccine is to produce in a continuous way some viral antigens.

There is nothing so patient, in this world or any other, as a virus searching for a host.

The mystery of that damn virus has been generated by the $2 billion a year they spend on it.

When we transplant organs, we are enabling viruses to jump natural barriers between species.

The unique nature about the influenza virus is its great potential for changes, for mutation.

The joke is that U2's new record only looked like a virus. Enjoy mining bitcoins for me losers.

If everyone catches the cold virus it just... might make you fall into Onew Condition for a while!

We need to band together as a unit every day, especially to conquer the strength of the AIDS virus.

Epidemics follow patterns because diseases follow patterns. Viruses spread; they reproduce; they die.

Of course, screening for HIV did essentially eliminate the transmission of this virus by transfusions.

Since most of the transmission is sexual transmission, you have a regional or local response to the virus.

Only cells that had been transformed by a virus or a genetic mutation had the potential to become immortal.

People called 28 Days and 28 Weeks zombie movies, and they're not! It's some sort of virus; they're not dead.

Civilization is a social plague on the planet, and vices are just as necessary to it as is a virus to disease.

When people asked him why he didn't work with those viruses, he replied, I don't particularly feel like dying.

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