The point of vision and desire are the same.

Discover the tools to build your own vision.

Vision makes the difference for your future.

We never found a real model (for our vision).

Vision motivates, sustains and dispels doubt.

My vision is a world of accessible intuition.

Our approach and our vision ... is identical.

Big visions are realized through small steps.

Frank Lampard has a vision for seeing things.

He has a very strong vision of what he wants.

Is this a vision? Is this a dream? Do I sleep?

We do not see with our eyes, but through them.

If the vision is there, the means will follow.

Make sure you are passionate about the vision.

People need BHAGs - big hairy audacious goals.

One looks, looks long, and the world comes in.

Dreams don't deal in time. Time doesn't count.

Close your eyes, they'll never see your vision

At the moment of vision, the eyes see nothing.

At any given moment, I open my eyes and exist.

True confidence comes from realizing the view.

Sometimes not seeing things can be a blessing.

The last thing IBM needs right now is a vision.

A vision without resources is an hallucination.

Vision is nothing without a plan to execute it.

So shine on through these days we have to fill.

The supreme quality of leadership is integrity.

You really can't turn on TLC without seeing us.

People who have visions should go see a doctor.

Between the vision and the act lies the shadow.

The pain pushes you, until the vision pulls you

Sustainability is here to stay or we may not be

One of the greatest enemies to vision is sight!

A cowardly leader is the most dangerous of men.

I really lost vision of the guy and it's on me.

Nothing is so easy to fake as the inner vision.

Leaders must invoke an alchemy of great vision.

A vivid image compels the whole body to follow.

You don’t have to have vision to be a visionary

One must look for one thing only, to find many.

Leaders must invoke an alchemy of great vision.

When your child is sick, you have tunnel vision.

Negative thinkers always have a negative vision.

Others can measure their visions by what we see.

Hold on to your vision and make it your reality.

Great vision without great people is irrelevant.

It was an idealistic vision that generation had.

As a pastor I reinforced my vision over lunches.

The future is wider than vision, and has no end.

One single glance will conquer all descriptions.

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