I voted for Obama.

I voted for Barack Obama.

I voted for Hillary Clinton.

I have voted Democrat my entire life.

I have never voted for a tax increase.

I voted for you during your last election.

I was twice voted best left-back in the world.

I was voted Most Likely to Make a Teacher Retire.

I know people voted for me only in my father's name.

I wouldn't have voted to prosecute 13-year-olds as adults.

I was voted Biggest Ham and Likeliest to Become a Celebrity.

Maybe Trump himself will be voted out through impeachment, right?

I was voted 'most shy' in seventh grade! Can you even believe it?

I would have voted 'no' on the Iraq war and 'yes' to Afghanistan.

I was voted by my high school senior class as most likely to recede.

Those who voted for me voted for change. Together we can change Poland.

The British people voted to leave the European Union - let's just leave.

You know, I'm a Republican, I'm a Conservative, I voted for George Bush.

After careful deliberation, I voted today to reauthorize the Patriot Act.

I voted Republican this year; the Democrats left a bad taste in my mouth.

Anybody against women, against the ERA, should never be voted into office again.

Know which officials are voted into office and which are appointed, and by whom.

My father and my mother and my sister and I have always voted Republican, always.

I'd rather be voted 'the sexiest man in Denmark' than 'the ugliest man in Denmark'.

Every four years since 1988, I have voted for the Republican presidential candidate.

Many people who voted for Mr. Obama in the last election did so based on skin color.

The United States Supreme Court has voted 6-3 that voter photo ID is constitutional.

I'm here to serve the entire community. It doesn't matter if you voted for me or not.

I always voted at my party's call, and I never thought of thinking for myself at all.

I'm not even proud to say this, but I've never voted for a Republican in my entire life.

And I always voted at my party's call, and I never thought of thinking for myself at all.

I left home at 18, but I still voted in Kentucky. Every holiday, I came home to Kentucky.

I'm not an American, Do they count the votes in America? I haven't voted in Jamaica either.

I really believe that all CEO pay should be voted on by shareholders ahead of time. Mine was.

As a young politician, I voted against the return of Sinai and peace with Egypt. I was mistaken.

I was voted valedictorian, and at my school it wasn't based on grades; that was the popular vote.

I have probably never voted for a straight ticket in my life, and I am a Democratic U.S. senator.

I voted proudly for the first time for John Fitzgerald Kennedy for president of the United States.

I was voted funniest person in my middle-school yearbook. So I guess I was funny in middle school?

Today in India there are all sections of people, as the BJP realized when the poor voted them out.

The nation voted us to power to see unity and communal harmony, not for any division or communality.

I was 51 when I voted for the first time in 1994, and I look at South Africa through those spectacles.

I hate to say it because I voted against everything Thatcher did, but she had principles she believed in.

Every racist that I know - and I know a lot of racists - every racist that I know voted for Donald Trump.

While I voted for Mr. Trump, my confidence remains in God for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I'm not a supporter of ObamaCare. I voted to repeal it, to defund it, et cetera. But we do need to move on.

Some 43 percent of voters in union households voted for President Bush in 2004, according to exit poll data.

Nobody voted for me on account of my origins. People voted for me because of what I am and what I stand for.

There's a real sense - that we have to get past on the left - that every person who voted for Trump is evil.

Bush wasn't elected, he was selected - selected by five judges up in Washington who voted along party lines.

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