The soldier is the army.

Conquer or be conquered.

There's the devil to pay.

Let reason govern desire.

Public opinion wins wars.

War is at best barbarism.

Their object is disunion.

Boys are the cash of war.

War justifies everything.

Peace is produced by war.

The brazen throat of war.

War is murder writ large.

War makes its own morals.

I've got a war in my mind

Well, it made you famous.

It's bad. It's damned bad.

Every soldier is an enemy.

War is all and king of all

Teach him to deny himself.

I find I like it too much.

No two wars are identical.

The War That Will End War.

Before all else, be armed.

My voice is still for war.

War is not a jobs program.

Let the boy win his spurs.

War is the trade of kings.

War is not won by victory.

All war aims for impunity.

All this has been my fault.

War is never cheap or easy.

War is not women's history.

Go, bid the soldiers shoot.

Laws are inoperative in war

Now he belongs to the ages.

I, too, saw God through mud

We still seek no wider war.

War's balance will prevail.

Doubt grows with knowledge.

I'm not a 'Star Wars' geek.

Wars are made to make debt.

Be where your enemy is not.

Headquarters in the Saddle.

Hold the fort! I am coming!

War is a perversion of sex.

Speed is the essence of war.

Imagination rules the world.

The leader must be an actor.

Chess is like war on a board

Democracies don't go to war.

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