Stand by me, my brave grenadiers!

I think war is a dangerous place.

In war, only the simple succeeds.

Going to war is an easy decision.

Pray excuse me. I cannot take it.

In time of peace prepare for war.

Now the Taliban will pay a price.

Peace is more difficult than war.

Wars are begun by frightened men.

Israel is run by war criminals...

Frigates are the eyes of a fleet.

We believe that peace is at hand.

Ancestral voices prophesying war.

Vladimir Putin is a war criminal.

States Rights died at Appomattox.

War is an option of difficulties.

Know the enemy and know yourself.

We ain't goin' study war no more.

That man made me miss my destiny.

Vice stirs up war, virtue fights.

In violence, we forget who we are

I can't go to war with paparazzi.

If we have to go to war, we will.

My parents created their own war.

Nothing is to be feared but fear.

It has all been most interesting.

Reprisals are but a sad resource.

War among men defiles this world.

I think I was unprepared for war.

Advise none to marry or go to war.

I came through and I shall return.

The Art of War is self-explanatory

Sending our youth to war is wrong.

The dieting wars have got to stop.

More die in flight than in battle.

Without supplies no army is brave.

The purpose of all wars, is peace.

The authors of all our misfortune.

War is the science of destruction.

A man's idee in a card game is war

we train for war and fight to win.

War can protect; it cannot create.

Perpetual war for perpetual peace.

War is the father and king of all.

War is the business of barbarians.

"World War III, was the Cold War".

Everyone hates war, everyone says.

I didn't start a war. Nobody died.

War is ninety percent information.

Victory is the main object in war.

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