Sherlock and Watson are a love story

Emma Watson was a super-starstruck moment.

Come, Watson, come!" he cried. The game is afoot.

I mean, what 16-year-old is going to listen to Doc Watson?

Mark Watson is someone I'm keen on as a fellow nervous person.

My mother's father was the behavioral psychologist, John B. Watson.

The things a man sees when he ain't got a gun.--Watson the Caretaker

Emma Watson is adorable in the extreme. She is such a lovely person.

I'm going to be who I really am. I'm going to figure out what this is.

Watson. Come at once if convenient. If inconvenient, come all the same.

If you had killed Watson, you would not have got out of this room alive.

It was Jack's and Tom Watson's day yesterday. But today, it's another day.

It was so much fun playing simple American bluegrass. I got to meet Doc Watson.

If Watson beats me, at least it won't enjoy it. And there is some solace in that.

The Watson fight was the worst beating I ever took in a ring, but I couldn't quit.

It's a dream come true for Bubba Watson from Bagdad, Florida to have the green jacket on.

My mother, Dorothy Watson, had met my father in a Greek class at Northwestern University.

James Watson summarizes the conclusion: “A predisposition does not a predetermination make.

It is said by the rebels at Roxbury that Col. Watson has given his quota to support the people.

I'm in touch with musicians Jake Morley, Lewis Watson and Olivia Broadfield, who are extremely talented.

Among non-fiction authors I like Richard Bach, Nichiren Daishonin, Burton Watson, Deepak Chopra and MJ Akbar.

Emma Watson definitely is my celebrity crush. I love 'Harry Potter.' Plus, she's gorgeous, which really helps.

I've always been interested in science - one of my favourite books is James Watson's 'Molecular Biology of the Gene.'

Due to my love for 'Harry Potter,' I have to say my celebrity crush is Emma Watson and my Olympic crush is Gracie Gold.

My dad taught me to be a leader or a follower, and he said follower ain't fun. So I want to be the leader of Bubba Watson.

I'm a boxer, and every fight could be my last. You just have to remember Michael Watson to know what boxing can do to you.

The funny thing is, the girls that I'm always up against for roles are pretty nice and cool, like Emma Watson. She's awesome.

No one stopped buying I.B.M. because Tom Watson wasn't there, but they stopped buying Elizabeth Arden because she wasn't there.

Anytime Tom Watson is on your team, you've won. His passion, professionalism, attention to detail, and leadership are unparalleled.

Human players have their strengths and weaknesses and Watson is the same way. He just has different strengths and weaknesses than most people.

I'm not Jadeveon Clowney; I'm Deshaun Watson, so I just focus on me and what I can do for my team. I stay in my own lane and do what I've got to do.

I am thrilled and proud of Benjamin Watson for speaking up on behalf of innocent black lives, traditionally an unpopular stance in the mainstream media.

I'm just telling you: I don't know what the heck I'm talking about - I'm just an old funky college coach - but Deshaun Watson is the best by a long shot.

I hardly had any coaching until I joined Birmingham where I had Dave Watson for five years. He's one of the best and I knew how important that was for me.

He told me that Francis Crick and Jim Watson had solved the structure of DNA, so we decided to go across to Cambridge to see it. This was in April of 1953.

The biggest rival I had in my career was me. I couldn't control Arnold Palmer, Gary Player, Tom Watson or Lee Trevino. The only person I could control was me.

Michael Watson is a part of me. It's in my head, it's in my grain. There are scars within me. Therefore, those scars are what allows me to steer and protect other fighters.

Playing with Tom Watson, I grew up a little bit. Even if he didn't say something to you, even if he didn't give you advice, you have grown up just watching him. It was great.

During the Me Too breakthrough, I was hanging out with Emma Thompson and Emily Watson - two people I've looked up to my entire life. Talking to those women was so empowering.

I think if you're talking about 'Jeopardy' style, I'm not afraid to throw the deep ball, even if it might get picked off, so Deshaun Watson I think would be the best comparison.

There's something about when it gives a shockingly incorrect answer with the same chirpy HAL 9000 voice that feels so hopeful. Watson won't get discouraged, it will just try again.

KPMG's use of IBM Watson technology will help advance our team's ability to analyze and act on the core financial and operational data so central to the health of organizations and the capital markets.

The U.S. won the majors 29-11 in the 1980s. That's when Tom Watson and Jack Nicklaus were carrying the ball, and when Seve Ballesteros was becoming a Brit in the minds of English and Scottish journalists.

I am a black woman who has been given this character called Hermione to play on the stage. But actually, we've all grown up with the books, with Emma Watson playing her in the films. Imagery is so strong.

I look at the car park and myself and Dave Watson come in with our old cars, and these young lads come in with their new Porches. I think that society has changed, there seems to be a lack of respect nowadays.

It's funny, having the same name as someone. Me, Emma Watson and Emma Stone, the amount of times I've been called Emma Watson or Emma Stone is so funny. It's just 'cause we're all named Emma. None of us look alike.

I want to go to Harry Potter Land! I actually should text Emma Watson to see if she can hook us up with a backstage pass or something. That's the perk of doing a movie with Emma called 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.'

I love Emma Watson's makeup a lot. I love Cate Blanchett. I'm biased, though. I love my makeup artist, Julie Harris; she is really phenomenal, but everyone has their technique, and there are incredible-looking girls out there.

Two young actresses I admire are Emma Stone and Emma Watson, because they are intelligent, talented actresses and have a great sense of humor. They have learned to balance what they love in life - acting, school and everything else.

And you can't complain about kissing Emma Watson. Isn't that what everyone in the world wants to do? I've known Emma for a few years. She's this amazing capacity of young and vibrant and brilliant, but also a bright, intelligent old soul.

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