A list is only as strong as its weakest link.

Racing is the constant search for the weakest link.

I always feel your movie will be as strong as your weakest link.

Being a question on 'The Weakest Link,' that was quite a moment.

The weakest link in a chain is the strongest because it can break it.

The individual source of the statistics may easily be the weakest link.

I've often observed that women can be the weakest link in women's rights.

I always loved 'The Weakest Link' and how brutal Anne Robinson was on it.

A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, and life is after all a chain.

You're only as good as your weakest link in the ecosystem of sound, of audio.

To judge you by your failures is to cast blame upon the seasons for their inconstancy.

Judges are the weakest link in our system of justice, and they are also the most protected.

I adore clothes - they're my weakest link! My mother was the same, and she taught me always to look polished.

There is no distinction, no echelon of actors within a company. A company is only as strong as its weakest link.

Producers and directors think they have the power, but what they think of as the weakest link, the actor, is all-powerful.

If the leaks continue, we are strong as our weakest link. And I'll say it a little differently in a pun. We're strong as our weakest leak.

What the Snowden scenario proved is that the weakest link is not the technology, the weakest link is the individual; we shouldn't kid ourselves.

One of my previous incarnations is as a question writer, so I'd worked on shows like 'The Weakest Link' and a couple of very short-lived ITV series.

The HMI (human-machine interface) function inside a Ferrari is probably the weakest link in the chain of technical know-how that's embodied in the car.

Making a movie is you're really only as good as your weakest link, so when everyone's working at their best and it actually comes together, it's an extraordinary thing because it doesn't always.

If a nation's security is only as strong as its weakest link, then America may be in serious trouble. Hawaii may be our weakest link and could have a serious impact on our nation's immigration policy.

That's what's so special about 'One Life to Live:' it's just this real family in the sense of, we're only as strong as our weakest link. It behooves us to help people who haven't done the genre because it makes us all look better.

People always think the coach is the strongest person at a club, the boss, but in truth, he's the weakest link. We're there, vulnerable, undermined by those who don't play, by the media, by the fans. They all have the same objective: to undermine the manager.

I've had knee trouble, and I worry about my shoulder, but I think my weakest link is my head. A helmet can only do so much, and I have seen the effects of brain injuries. That is a big fear. I think everyone's weakest link is their brain because it's their most fragile link.

Companies spend millions of dollars on firewalls, encryption, and secure access devices and it's money wasted because none of these measures address the weakest link in the security chain: the people who use, administer, operate and account for computer systems that contain protected information.

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