My favorite web site is probably YouTube.

My Web site, everything I write in there is from me.

One of my greatest pleasures is writing on my Web site.

The web site and the Internet are a whole new ball game.

Never mention a web site is coming until it's already there.

I can't remember the last time I looked at a Nirvana web site.

I don't necessarily think anything on a Web site can have a result.

Thank you for making a web site for me. I was so surprised when I found it.

If I want to shoot my daily look, I just put it on Instagram - not on the Web site.

A Web site is the only medium of semipermanent communication where you can express yourself.

Bands are going to MySpace because it's free and they don't have to know how to do a Web site.

Everybody who runs a Web site knows we're not assured of compatibility, and we could end up with a split.

I think what we should have done is integrate the web site with the magazine much earlier in the process.

I never in my wildest dreams thought that I'd have merchandise selling on a web site. It's just amazing to me.

I take my laptop with me on the road. When I come home, I log onto AOL, go to the Web site, and answer questions.

I find it hard to think of myself as selling books. I don't even have a Web site. I want to sit and write, not sell.

If the Starbucks secret is a smile when you get your latte... ours is that the Web site adapts to the individual's taste.

I enjoy the Web site a lot and I like being able to talk to my readers. I've always had a very close relationship with them.

I do not wanna write a song like 'Coathanger' so Andrew Breitbart can rage against me on his web site. It's not my idea of fun.

The most important thing is, we really want to make sure the American people are able to get to any Web site they'd like to get to.

I've got these two wonderful people who run my web site and put me on Facebook. They didn't even ask me. I'm very appreciative of it.

It can be a little scary. Like one time I posted a link to NPR because I thought it was interesting, and it took down their Web site.

When I set up my Web site, I made a guestbook so kids can write to me there, and that's become one of the most popular parts of the site.

If I see something dubious, say on a blog or a Web site, and I don't see it anywhere else, I'll just go right to the source and check it out.

There is no need for neighborhood informants and paper dossiers if the government can see citizens' every Web site visit, e-mail and text message.

I want to create the largest archive of great God debates in existence: a Web site that becomes a great resource for both Christians and atheists.

I can imagine Iceland becoming a good place to run a controversial Web site. But... Iceland may find itself forced to defend controversial speech.

'The HoneyLine' is my web site and TV segments that were birthed out of the stark reality that we all need a few people to help navigate this life.

I ordered a Kindle 2 from Amazon. How could I not? There were banner ads for it all over the Web. Whenever I went to the Amazon Web site, I was urged to buy one.

I do not have a Facebook page, and I do not chat on Twitter. I don't have a web site, even if there are people who have opened one in my name, complete with my photo.

My two must-haves are my cell phone and my MacBook Pro laptop, which allows me to update my Web site from wherever I am, whether I'm in Africa or in Sun Valley skiing.

I guess my favorite Web site would be I used to read that paper all the time in New York, and it still cracks me up. It's actually my homepage on my computer.

On our Web site, we have people complaining about us not playing new stuff. But there's so many classic Lynyrd Skynyrd songs, you can't go out and just do a bunch of new things.

The other day I was reading a blog and I linked over to Streisand's Web site, and it was amazing politically. She's so insightful and incisive. And she also says whatever she wants.

My web site is so fresh. The paint is still wet, but stay tuned, because I have lots of personal things, specifically about what is happening day-to-day, that I will keep updating daily.

I beg you, look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church Web site. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice, they are code words.

What's funny is that an old Web site of mine just had one fake bio, and everyone went crazy for it. So when I made the new Web site, I thought, 'I just need to make this one even more absurd.'

Here is a guiding principle: If a business collects data on consumers electronically, it should provide them with a version of that data that is easy to download and export to another Web site.

I made a Christmas album a couple of years ago and just put it out on my Web site. It kind of smacked of this flavor. All of the reviews said it was Western swing even when it was Christmas standards.

No, I got my web site going and said I have the record out. People were just falling on the floor - they couldn't believe it - after all that time. You know, it wasn't a compilation, it was new songs.

I live a very open life. I value my relationship with the fans, and I utilize Twitter and Facebook and my web site, so my day-to-day activities are an open book for me to share with the fans, for better or for worse.

To have transactions made on your web site via credit card, you must be PCI compliant. Businesses make the mistake of thinking that because you passed the requirements and are PCI certified, you are immune to attacks.

I have a Web site that parents and girls can use to learn about Title IX and take action if they find their school is not in compliance. Thirty years after Title IX passed, 80 percent of schools are not in compliance.

A review was published in Nature, very scathing, essentially calling me incompetent, though they didn't use that word. I am putting a reply on my Web site in a few days, where I go through their arguments, paragraph by paragraph.

I don't know a single person who is not immersed in the digital universe. Even people who are strongly anti-technology are probably voicing that view on a Web site somewhere. Third-world villagers without electricity have cellphones.

CNN has given me a platform to share my experiences. My Web site, YouTube Channel and Facebook page have exposed me to thousands of voters who share my concerns. My lack of seniority has not impeded my ability to communicate in any way.

Companies from which I have purchased items are more than welcome to call me with a sale or discount. If I request information on your Web site, please call me. If I don't want your wares, calling me 15 times in a week will not change that.

Flickr was designed partly to market itself. There are a lot features, in place early on, that let people take their photo, upload it to Flickr and post them elsewhere, on their own Web site or their blog, which meant a lot of incoming links.

To the millions of Americans who've attempted to use to shop and enroll in health-care coverage, I want to apologize to you that the Web site has not worked as well as it should. We know how desperately you need affordable coverage.

I created DonorsChoose by putting pencil to paper - literally - and sketching out each screen of the web site and how it would work. Then I paid a programmer from Poland $1,500 to turn my sketches and common-sense rules into a functioning website.

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