The happiness of any society begins with the well being of the ...

The happiness of any society begins with the well being of the families that live in it.

The main business of religions is to purify, control, and restrain ...

The main business of religions is to purify, control, and restrain that excessive and exclusive taste for well-being which men acquire in times of equality.

Well Being is my birthright.

I never get far from Well Being.

Patience is the key to well-being.

I will write myself into well-being.

Trade brings freedom and well-being for all.

Compassion is concern of others' well being.

What matters is the well-being of the people.

We have to support the well-being of society.

Communal well-being is central to human life.

Humor and joy contribute to my total well-being.

Government has the power to help improve well-being

Happiness is the cessation of suffering. Well-being.

My parents and their well-being comes before my work.

I believe that work is essential to human well-being.

Only the unity of all can bring the well-being of all.

Service dogs raise their masters' sense of well-being.

If it makes me happy, it definitely adds to my well-being.

Happiness and well-being are actually best regarded as skills.

What's invisible to us is also crucial for our own well-being.

Doing for others may be the only way to create lasting well-being.

Values reduce to facts about the well-being of conscious creatures.

Woman takes her being from man, man takes his well being from woman.

I'm here to fight for the well-being of Canadians across the country.

Honest, simple work for young people is essential to their well-being.

Capitalism has resulted in material well-being but spiritual bankruptcy.

The most important thing any woman can do is promote her inner well-being

Where anti-Semitism persists, the well being of all our people is at risk.

My ambitions are less important than my well-being. My children come first.

God's primary concerns have to do with your well-being, not your performance.

Engaging in sports from a young age will ensure physical and mental well-being.

Testosterone to me is so important for a sense of well-being when you get older.

Love and meaningful relationships are vital to physical and emotional well-being.

What, after all, was the point of civilisation if not the well-being of citizens?

My refrigerator is powerful. In fact, it has a direct link to my overall well-being.

Being around lots of people drains me, and alone time is essential to my well-being.

Once you start messing with psychological well-being, we get more and more messed up.

Perhaps we've invented conspiracies for our own psychic well-being, to heal ourselves.

Every time a fighter steps into the ring, he's borrowing against his future well-being.

My well-being and my happiness is much more important to me than how much I can achieve.

Yoga always helps me slow down, be present, and be grateful for my health and well-being.

We need a leader who puts the health and well-being of the country ahead of 2016 politics.

Women, goals, empowerment, well-being, and women's health has always been important to me.

Evidence suggests jobs are crucial not only to economic well-being but also to self-esteem.

There is nothing so disturbing to one's well-being and judgment as to see a friend get rich

The health and well-being of our players are a critical component of our ability to succeed.

God wants believers to take an interest in the well-being of the society in which they live.

The relationship between carbon consumption and human well-being is causal, not coincidental.

When I began my tenure as surgeon general, I did not intend to focus on emotional well-being.

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