I always speak Welsh to my family.

The only thing I can cook is Welsh rarebit.

I'd rather be Welsh than English, that's for sure.

Dai Greene will be our greatest-ever Welsh athlete.

I was born in Wales but I'm not Welsh - I'm English.

An unashamedly indecent read. Welsh fans will love it.

It's a really exciting time to be involved in Welsh rugby.

What's important is Welsh football and that it progresses.

I love my nice things, but I'm still the Welsh family girl.

You think the Welsh are friendly, but the Irish are fabulous.

All my friends are Welsh, I speak Welsh, and I feel very Welsh.

I am Welsh by birth, English by education, and European by nature.

But it is my happiness to be half Welsh, and that the better half.

I think my mother would be very happy if I found a nice Welsh girl.

To get any win, especially against a Welsh side, is very satisfying.

The Welsh are all actors. It's only the bad ones who become professional.

My initial impression of the Welsh was that they were grumpier than I was!

That's acting for you. 'White Queen' has English playing Welsh and vice versa.

As a Welsh speaker, I'm very conscious of how activism can effect real change.

I've read a lot of Irvine Welsh - Trainspotting, Glue - he's written some beauties.

What is so good about 'Gavin and Stacey' is that it is very real, Welsh, and well written.

At home I can become lazy and if a Welsh word is really long, I just replace it with English.

All players, whether they're Spanish, French, English, Welsh, want to play football. To play.

People talk a lot about the Welsh fans but English supporters are also among the world's best.

I'm Welsh. We didn't do 'Peter Pan.' We have far more ancient legends to be put to sleep with.

I like the Stereophonics. I know the lead singer, Kelly Jones, and theres the Welsh connection.

I like the Stereophonics. I know the lead singer, Kelly Jones, and there's the Welsh connection.

Obviously Gwilym is a very Welsh name! My father is from Maesteg, and my mother's from Abergavenny.

I didn't have any concept of Trainspotting being published. It was a selfish act. I did it for myself.

Welsh women aren't the most tactile unless they're your relatives. And then you don't want them to be.

The Welsh people have a talent for acting that one does not find in the English. The English lack heart.

Whenever we're playing in front of a Welsh crowd, they really do give you that extra bit to get the win.

After Zorro, people spoke Spanish to me for ages. I'm Welsh but that movie instantly gave me a new ethnicity.

It blows my mind that you get Shakespeare where the 'low' comedy characters have got Northern or Welsh accents.

I grew up watching the Olympics and did some athletics for my school, winning the Welsh pentathlon championship.

My Welsh grandmother Mair didn't meet my grandfather until she was 28, quite old to be unmarried in the early '40s.

Bowen is a Welsh name and the family background is more rugby than football, but we're English through and through.

We don't want Welsh rugby to be seen as healthy or upbeat. If we think that, we could become complacent or stagnate.

Richard Burton was Welsh; Tom Jones is Welsh, and we Welshmen like to think of ourselves as heroes - on screen and off!

We moved to America when I was young, but we were always very Welsh in our home. The humor, food, traditions. Very Welsh.

I have to give credit to my mum for my music taste. She's white and Welsh but she listens to dancehall, reggae, Reggaeton.'

I think it's unfair to criticise someone for not being Welsh, but the smaller the nation, the more patriotic you seem to be.

We're sometimes treated like the stupid cousin, so I'm always drawn to characters that make you feel good about being Welsh.

As for waxing, I've never waxed in my life and I never would. I'm extremely Welsh, so I draw the line at removing body hair.

The career I have had should warrant me getting a job. I've done all the badges. I'm doing my coaching badges with the Welsh FA.

To be honest, I think that I am a bit of a singer, coming from Wales; being Welsh, we are all very proud of our singing heritage.

My mum's family are from Blaenau Ffestiniog, the slate town. My grandfather was Elis Humphreys Roberts, so that's quite Welsh isn't it?

My eldest son you know, in his short life so far, he's experimented with Corbynism, Communism, Brexit. He's now Welsh nationalist and libertarian.

John Hartson, he speaks fluent Welsh and has the tattoos all over him to prove his Welshness. But in my own world, no one is more Welsh than myself.

I'm still a Welsh girl at heart so I'm staying in the U.K. for the Olympics, it's such an exciting time for Britain so it's amazing to be a part of it.

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