The wheel is come full circle.

Put your shoulder to the wheel.

Don't reinvent the wheel, just realign it.

Sometimes the wheel turns slowly, but it turns.

What the heck is a king? I'm a cog in the wheel.

The worst wheel of the cart makes the most noise.

America I'm putting my queer shoulder to the wheel.

I wish I could be behind the wheel for every stunt.

At the end of the day, an actor is only a cog in the wheel.

The best time to expand is when people are asleep at the wheel.

I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel.

Money greases the wheel of American democracy and corrupts it all.

Colors must fit together as pieces in a puzzle or cogs in a wheel.

The wheel that squeaks the loudest is the one that gets the grease.

After the wheel, the PlayStation is the best invention of all time.

Having a wheel mentality is paramount. It gives you time and space.

I see nothing in space as promising as the view from a Ferris wheel.

Blessed is he who talks in circles, for he shall become a big wheel.

Two of my favorite things are my steering wheel and my Remington rifle.

The standard library saves programmers from having to reinvent the wheel.

Maybe my caveman ancestors invented the wheel or something. I'm not sure.

To keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution of intelligent tinkering.

The moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.

Your body can't switch off tired. People fall asleep behind the wheel all the time.

He who puts out his hand to stop the wheel of history will have his fingers crushed.

Fortune's wheel never stands still the highest point is therefore the most perilous.

I only remember the end of my dreams, like waking up at a steering wheel, or falling.

Reinventing the wheel is sometimes the right thing, when the result is the radial tire.

Life is like a wheel. Sooner or later, it always come around to where you started again.

Darn the wheel of the world! Why must it continually turn over? Where is the reverse gear?

There are many spokes on the wheel of life. First, we're here to explore new possibilities.

Less than the dust beneath thy chariot wheel, less than the weed that grows beside thy door.

Don't be surprised at Fortune's turns and twists: That wheel has spun a thousand yarns before.

You don't have to invent the wheel, but you might want to be the company that invents the rims.

Men's fortunes are on a wheel, which in its turning suffers not the same man to prosper for ever.

Anyone who has seen me spin that heavy, giant wheel on television knows that I'm not a steroid user.

When man wanted to make a machine that would walk he created the wheel, which does not resemble a leg.

They are not your players, they are loaned from the club. You just wheel them out for a game for England.

You're not going to reinvent the wheel every time you go out, because that would disappoint the audience.

The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot. The guy who invented the other three, he was a genius.

One thing I got to do that was awesome was hang off the side of this Ferris wheel and do that stunt myself.

If you have ambitions, dream of what you wish to accomplish, and then put your shoulder to the wheel and work.

However God had it planned, I'm rockin' with how he do it. He took the steering wheel and I'm letting him drive.

Wall Street wants to keep its schemes too complicated to understand so that the roulette wheel can keep turning.

I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel. I'm just writing songs that I like, and that's where I've always come from.

The wheel goes round and round and comes back, and opportunities are given again. You just have to remember that.

In Vegas, I got into a long argument with the man at the roulette wheel over what I considered to be an odd number.

Look, if you're driving down the highway at 120 miles an hour, I'd rather be behind the wheel than in the backseat.

Why do I always choose the shopping cart with the squeaky wheel? Is it my bad luck, or are all the carts dysfunctional?

I would like to direct. I am also happy helping other directors realise their vision. I am happy being a cog in a wheel.

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