Solitude begets whimsies.

You must not ever stop being whimsical.

Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death.

I have a good sense of humor. I think everything we do should have whimsy in it.

This is truly marvelous work full of mystery, nostalgia, joy, The Color of Whimsy.

Whimsy doesn't care if you are the driver or the passenger; all that matters is that you are on your way.

If you're alive, kick into drive. Chase whimsies. See if you can turn dreams into a way to make a living, if not an entire way of life.

There is humor that's just whimsy, that we smile at, but the humor that we laugh at, someone has to be - someone's dignity has to be reduced.

Living a life fully engaged in full of whimsy and the kind of things that love does is something most people plan to do, but along the way they just kind of forget.

I think a band that doesn't have a sense of humor can come up with their own take on whimsy.Kind of lead-footed and ham-handed, but I think just all the better for that.

I like whimsy and satire, and that's what Americans like so much about Brits. We bring subtlety and sense of humor that you sometimes lack. We have a very long history of importing Brits like Christopher Hitchens who are better at it than Americans are.

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