I'm a Jehovah's Witness.

Truth is it's own witness.

My witness is the empty sky.

Be the witness of your thoughts.

It's just cool to witness talent.

Conscience is a thousand witnesses.

no one bears witness for the witness

A writer's work is to witness things.

I see myself as a witness to humanity.

We do have to be a witness to our art.

Be a witness, as I excersize my exorcism

Ares gives his verdict without witnesses.

I write in order to bear witness to life.

I write as a witness to what I have seen.

I am an expert witness because I say I am.

Eyes are more accurate witnesses than ears.

I have not been the witness I wanted to be.

And the truth shall bear witness of itself.

As a journalist, your job is to bear witness.

To be human you must bear witness to justice.

Power is the essence of the Christian witness.

The silent bear no witness against themselves.

Life without friends is death without witness.

They truly mourn, that mourn without a witness.

One eye witness is better than ten hear sayers.

To witness two lovers is a spectacle for the gods.

As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!!!

I have no mockings or arguments; I witness and wait.

Never, for fear of feeble man, restrain your witness.

It's nice to witness these discoveries at first hand.

The days that are still to come are the wisest witnesses.

Billing and cooing to me is worse to witness an execution.

Every believer is a witness whether he wants to be or not.

Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?

The artist's job is to be a witness to his time in history.

Creation lives, grows, and multiplies; man is but a witness.

History is nothing except monsters or victims. Or witnesses.

He who dies before many witnesses always does so with courage.

As writers, it is our job not only to imagine, but to witness.

If you and I have not seen God, we cannot bear witness to God.

You are now about to witness the strength of street knowledge.

History is indeed the witness of the times, the light of truth.

Songs are often written by people who are witnesses to history.

Segregated Witness was forced onto the miners by the community.

I was not inside the bank. But I am still not the only witness.

Be living witnesses of the greatness and beauty of Christianity.

When you deal with your brother, be pleasant, but get a witness.

Witness for the defense, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Writers obviously have to bear witness to the harsh face of the age.

God as my witness, may He strike me down if this allegation is true.

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