Show me a frigid women and, nine times out of ten, I'll show you a little man.

I wanted to be like Jo March in 'Little Women.' I wanted to be married to a man who would give me lots of sons.

The fact that I ended up married to a decent man is still a source of amazement to me, thanks to 'The Women's Room.'

Most people don't know this, but I never wanted Man Repeller to be about me. It was titled that to identify a genre of women.

Being a young black man, observing and sensing the need for race equality and women's rights, I wrote about what was important to me.

If you want to get married to a man, then get married to a man. If two women want to get married, they should get married. It's not hurting me.

Women have that weird way of trying to be feminist. You know, like 'hear me roar.' But what they really want is a man to open the door for them.

I'm no libber. I like it when a man looks at me and treats me like a woman. I do think though, that women should get equal pay to a man doing the same thing.

I have matured as a man to understand where my suspicion of women comes from and how that has everything to do with me and nothing to do with them. I have to deal with that.

Some women tend to sell themselves short. I've only ever had women say to me, 'I could never argue in the Supreme Court!' Do you think a man has ever said that to me? Of course not.

There's nothing that can drive me from zero to crazy faster than a man who comes up to me and says, 'You know, I don't normally read books by women, but I really liked 'Gone Girl.''

Try performing with your period. Like really, and then call me back. I know Beyonce has. I know Nicki has. I know all of the legendary women have had to do that. A man can't do that.

I have everything and I have nothing. Sometimes I feel like the loneliest man on the planet. All this 'stuff' and no one to share it with. And then when women come along, I wonder if they like the stuff more than me.

You know what black hatred women feel toward me as soon as they see me, until I return inside my shell, they use every possible weapon. As soon as a generous man tries to help me out, a woman is here to hold his arm and prevent him from acting.

Every woman I have known has actually deepened my spiritual awareness. Even if I have been a selfish man and treated them badly... There were two women, I won't name them, who had a powerful religious effect on me. The ancient idea of a muse is there.

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