I think men like things tight and simple.

As I always say, leopard print is a neutral.

I wore some stupid brocade dress to my prom.

I love manicures - I'm really into colorful nails.

When I wake up, I put on what I'm in the mood to wear.

You don't usually find an island in a New York kitchen.

I have always had a fleeting relationship with clothing.

You have to keep a feeling of goodness in your exteriors.

I really love the category on the site called Brain Massage.

Nothing feels better than constructing a beautiful sentence.

My blog is not about repelling men, it's about good fashion.

Sometimes I wear red lipstick - it makes me feel sophisticated.

I wanted to be my own editor, and by 'editor,' I mean unedited-or.

I buy all my perfumes duty free - I think people are fools not to.

I can't imagine catering to an audience that doesn't also interest me.

I haven't worn make-up since my wedding, and my husband loves me a lot.

I have such a simple process - it takes me, like, ten minutes to get ready.

When push comes to shove, no one really cares what you're wearing except you.

Your doubts are generated by fear, and fear is a series of distorted thoughts.

I am loving visible bras with shirts, high-waisted pants and oversize blazers.

If I have to give up good fashion for a relationship, I don't want a relationship.

When you have a voice, you also have a moral obligation to use that voice for good.

Fashion Week is a great opportunity to make unimportant people feel like they own the world.

Advice for young people who want to channel their personality into creative work - be authentic.

I do not wear a lot of makeup. On social media, this seems to work both in my favor and against me.

People often ask me if my parents helped me. My mother did lend me $10 to register the domain name.

There's charm, in some capacity, to every trend. I just think practicality should die. Crocs - blech.

I always grew up with the idea that in order to be a successful writer, I should have a book published.

I'm not comfortable leaving the apartment if the bed isn't made or a chair isn't tucked into the table.

I don't take such good care of my skin; my mom kills me about it... I sit in the sun so much. I love a tan.

My eyes will never be blue; my bone structure will never allow for you to mistake me for a Scandinavian model.

I'm not dressing with men in mind at all. I'm just going to wear what I want to wear. It makes things easier, too.

By the time I graduated college, I was sick of what was out there. I wanted to bring something new to the Internet.

I think the thing about New York City real estate is that you kind of just take what you can get when you're renting.

Without getting too spiritual, God has done so much for me; the least I can do is drink Kiddush wine on a Friday night.

Part of what dressing for yourself means requires your understanding that the scrutiny of others is frankly irrelevant.

I don't necessarily see my not wearing makeup as a social comment or that it's because I work in a female-dominated industry.

The men who really get repelled by what you're wearing are a little shallow, and you probably don't want to date them anyway.

Most people don't know this, but I never wanted Man Repeller to be about me. It was titled that to identify a genre of women.

I think what's so interesting for people is that I don't take it so seriously and yet I am still immersed in the [fashion] industry.

No matter the candidate, every detail in a campaign is carefully and strategically framed for our consumption. The devil is in them.

That's what I always wanted Man Repeller to do - to change the way people actually think. Showing young girls that there are no rules.

Most people assume that my style is so outlandish and out there, but the reality is I like very classic pieces just rendered unusually.

I'm Jewish, so I don't really do Christmas gifts, and Hanukkah is not as big a deal as gifts are concerned, so I never actually give gifts.

Next time you look in the mirror, close your eyes and ask yourself when you feel like the best version of you. When you open them, act on that.

The holidays are only overwhelming because it's crunch time. It's like everyone trying to get last-minute things in before the New Year starts.

I knew I wanted to be a fashion writer but didn't want to contribute to the over-saturated market unless I could contribute in a meaningful way.

If I were going to prom again, I would wear a huge skirt and plain cotton tank. A big, poofy, flotation-device-sized skirt. I wish I had done that.

I understand that it's the thought that counts, but receiving money is so great, so if you're in a position to give an employee a bonus, just do that.

Sloane Crosley and David Sedaris are two of my favorite writers; they're the kind of writers who make you feel like, 'I can do this. I want to do this.'

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