All the women want to be with me, all the men want to be like me.

Men are hugely significant to me and to many of the women I interview.

I don't make a distinction between men and women. To me they are just people.

I'm really pleased that women like me as well as men. My fanbase is quite evenly split.

A lot of people call me a 'machine,' and I don't think a lot of men or women operate the way I do.

I don't distinguish between men and women. This is irrelevant to me, and I don't think in these terms.

Women tend to take care of men a lot, but I like a guy who balances that out and takes care of me, too.

I urge everyone - men, boys, women and girls - to join me in standing up for girls' rights with Plan U.K.

It's a cosmic joke that I'm a lesbian, because I understand men so well but women are a complete mystery to me.

Oh my gosh, women have it so much harder than men. If you ask me the differences are professional as well as physical.

I was surrounded by strong women so it had never even occurred to me that women were anything other than equal to men.

What interests me is why men think of women as witches. It's because they're so fascinating and exasperating, so other.

I just really have an affinity for women. Watching them go through journeys is more interesting to me than watching men.

Relationships are interesting to me. Not just between men and women, but fathers and sons, brothers and sisters and friends.

It's my commitment to the nation's security, it's my commitment to the men and women in uniform that drives me. Not anything else.

The men and women in the United States Military allow me to live my dream, and I want to continue to do everything I can to thank them.

Something that always fascinated me was the psychology and the psychology differences between men and women and how we relate to one another.

People have always said, are you gay? I've had a lot of that. But it's just not in me. I really like women a lot; I'm repulsed by men sexually.

One of the things that interests me about the Regency period is how women began to stir under the thumbs of men, wanting more and bigger freedoms.

I am fascinated by women. They're as close as we men get to experiencing 'the other.' The challenge for me was to know and accept fully formed, powerful women.

I find very often that very ugly women have really handsome men and vice versa because they don't have any competition. Sometimes handsome men have avoided me.

I never felt I was attractive to women. I felt I was attractive to men when I was growing up. And even now, if a woman fancies me, I find that a bit alienating.

Someone once shared a statistic with me about how long it takes women to make their second films. On average, it's three years for men and eight years for women.

Everywhere I went, people would tell me that trap and reggaeton was for men, not women. I wasn't being taken seriously, and I was often being told to do something else.

I remember becoming aware of women's issues and inequality. It became glaringly clear to me when I was living in America that women are regarded as less intelligent than men.

Broadcasters realise there is a large percentage of women that watch cricket and it was the Caribbean Premier League that first got me to commentate a men's international T20.

I think women with children are better than men. This is only my opinion. Might be 'cos me Mum brought me up. I think maternally, they just take to being a parent quicker than men.

I even felt like I liked guys better than women - that men were relevant and women weren't. It took me a while to realize I'd been socialized to have a slighting view of my own gender.

I struggled to find an agency in London because no one knew whether they should put me in the men's board or the women's board. There was a lot of uncertainty about my commercial viability.

'Splendour' broke through to new territory for me. It exposed my commitment to writing for women: my desire to recognise that they can be as aggressive, violent, mercurial, and complex as men.

There's very little advice in men's magazines, because men don't think there's a lot they don't know. Women do. Women want to learn. Men think, 'I know what I'm doing, just show me somebody naked.'

Why are video games so violent? The ones I've seen remind me of the 4th of July, with everything exploding, buildings, cars, airplanes, men and women. Kill, kill, and kill for sport and entertainment.

She raised me to not think of men and women as different. She raised me without gender. It's kind of the reason she named me Billie. It's not about being a strong woman - it's about being a strong person.

The greatest luck that I've had has been the ability to find men and women who came into my administration who worked with me and brought extraordinary talents that we were able to take full advantage of.

I have lots of friends and, like me, they're not married. So my kids have lots of godparents - men and women, gay and straight. My loft is always filled with people helping me out with them and loving them.

I think human beings have a really broad spectrum of traits, and I almost feel implicated when we say, 'Men are like this, women are like this.' Nobody was telling me, 'Don't get dirty, don't play in the mud, girls don't do that.'

I think that still, for the most part, even in 2010, the vast majority of museum shows and gallery shows and gallerists are pretty much dominated by men. So having a sense of what women are up to, for me, frankly, is very, very important.

I try not to write songs in which men glamorize their own need for approval from women. That's kinda a bogus way to go out. But I try to do this quietly. I'm not about to go around telling people how they should or shouldn't think. My feminism is for me.

Men say, 'I've loved you since I was 7 years old,' and I say, 'Well, you never contacted me.' And very often women say, 'Do youuuuuu know what I have?' and I want to say, 'Yessssssss, I do.' Because inevitably the answer is, 'An original Shirley Temple doll.'

There were also some cruel reviews by women, but the tone of the male reviewers, sometimes hysterical, was different. I have suffered, but I don't want to name names-but there have been men who have seemed to want to destroy me or my writing, men I don't even know.

For the last decade, I've worked as a federal judge in a court that spans six Western states, serving about 20 percent of the continental United States and about 18 million people. The men and women I've worked with at every level in our circuit are an inspiration to me.

Combat duty is strenuous and physically demanding, and I'm not the first person to notice that men and women are built differently. And while many will argue that women will only be allowed into combat arms units under the same requirements as their male counterparts, count me as skeptical.

I never say 'nagging.' I think that 'nagging' is a term that men created to get women to pipe down some. But, it's a trap that we've created. We created several terms for women to back you down. Nagging means to stop asking me questions, then we get away with more. I think it's a term men created.

I'm a straight guy and I date women, but I get on really well with gay guys. I'm very comfortable with my sexuality. The weirdest thing for me is when straight guys get really freaked out by gay guys. It's almost like they're insecure in their own sexuality. For me, I can be in a room full of gay men and have fun.

I've also gotten messages from men and women who are not the most attractive, in their minds, or are self-conscious about their weight. They're thanking me for doing songs like 'Proud Mary' and shaking a tailfeather, because they say I seem real comfortable in my skin and it made them want to be comfortable in theirs.

I absolutely don't write for women - far, far from it. It's so not what I want to do. Some of the writers, who have helped out at the beginning and end of the process - they're all men - have suggested quite feminine subjects they want me to explore. And I'm always, simply, 'No.' I don't want to do diets, don't want to. I just can't do it.

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