Goodness and hard work are rewarded with respect.

My respect for politicians has increased. It's hard work - even hard physical work.

Respect and consistency, as hard work during the week is the only way to earn your place.

I really respect actors much more now that I am one because I realise what hard work goes into being part of the industry.

All my brothers, they deserve all the respect they get from everybody. I've seen all the hard work they put in first hand. The deserve everything they got.

Discipline and respect and hard work are not bad words. I expect that from everybody - especially the players who are in fortunate and very lucky positions.

I have so much respect for athletes like LeBron James. I get motivation from them because I know how many hours they put into it. It takes a lot of hard work and drive.

No, but I've always felt that with true talent, and a commitment to hard work, it is possible to achieve an enduring respect and appreciation. In other words, I don't take my fans for granted.

Mountain biking is such a very small community. I just want to put the hard work in so people don't think I'm a slacker. I want the hardcore mountain bikers to respect, 'Okay, well, he did it the right way.'

I always had a lot of respect for the hard work and the hours and the dedication it takes to do these jobs but even more now, yes. The fact that we've gotten the opportunity to go to the FBI and meet the people who do this for real and also have consultations with them.

I was raised Jewish, my wife was raised Catholic. Though we respect each other's heritage, and while many of our friends are deeply religious, we have chosen to focus on our similarities, not our differences. We teach our children compassion, charity, honesty and the benefits of hard work.

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