I'm based in L.A., mainly. I'm pretty much there a lot of the time doing work.

Most of my friends all tend to work in restaurants part time, doing acting classes on the side.

The biggest misconception about work is that you need to spend the majority of your time doing it.

Stevie Wonder doing 'We Can Work It Out' by the Beatles is one of my favorite records of all time.

But that's one of the nice things about doing a stage show, if something doesn't work out, you have the luxury of working on it over time.

In MMA, there isn't time to admire your work until it's all over with. In sports-entertainment, I can admire what I'm doing while it's happening.

A lot of my time is spent watching films and reading scripts. And it can be all-consuming. And it's obviously something I'm fortunate that is both my work and my hobby. It's what I would naturally be doing anyway.

I basically apply with my teams the lean startup principles I used in the private sector - go into Silicon Valley mode, work at startup speed, and attack, doing things in short amounts of time with extremely limited resources.

When I was younger, I never wanted to rehearse because I thought that someone would figure out I don't know what I'm doing. Now I like to really spend the time and figure it out, and rehearsal is to try something that doesn't work.

I've always needed to bulk up, so until the modeling took off I was ramming Big Macs down my throat and doing plenty of bodyweight work. I'm over the Big Macs now, but I'll still drop down and do my press ups whenever I find the time.

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