People on both sides of any conflict believe they are right, whether it's on a TV show or in the real world.

I fundamentally believe that people have a genuine desire to be positively engaged in the world around them.

The core of Wikipedia is something people really believe in. That is too valuable for the world to screw it up.

Hate crimes are the scariest thing in the world because these people really believe what they're doing is right.

We'd like to believe that Americans live longer than most other people in the world. Sadly, that is not the case.

The Austrians are brilliant people. They made the world believe that Hitler was a German and Beethoven an Austrian.

If the people of New Zealand want to be part of our world, I believe they should hop off their islands, and push 'em closer.

And I have no doubt that the American people generally believe the world is safer, and that we are safer, when we are stronger.

Contrary to what the politicians and religious leaders would like us to believe, the world won't be made safer by creating barriers between people.

I sincerely believe that if Bush and Cheney recognized the full humanity of other people's mothers around the world, they wouldn't commit the crimes they commit.

I believe there is no other way to create decent livelihoods for the world's poorest people than to connect them to global markets as producers, and on fair terms.

I always concentrate on respecting human beings and their lives and the meaning within their lives, and I believe that is something people around the world can appreciate.

I believe things happen that can't be explained, but so many people seem intent on explaining them. Everyone has an answer for them. Either aliens or things from the spirit world.

Bicycles should not be insured or registered, and cycling proficiency should not be subject to a test. That's just weak-kneed nonsense from people who believe the world can be cured with paperwork.

People may flatter themselves just as much by thinking that their faults are always present to other people's minds, as if they believe that the world is always contemplating their individual charms and virtues.

I believe the most solemn duty of the American president is to protect the American people. If America shows uncertainty and weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy. This will not happen on my watch.

The number of people who believe in stopping violence in the world is wildly greater than those that want to perpetrate it. When everybody has a smartphone, the ability for people to actually do something about violence goes up significantly.

We believe, as the President has indicated, that this combination of a rogue state that possesses weapons of mass destruction and has known ties to terrorist organizations, is a grave threat to the people of the United States and to other countries around the world.

When people say 'American soccer,' they think of the U.S. national team. But American soccer also includes Major League Soccer, and until we have a league that produces players at the rate other leagues around the world do, I don't believe we'll ever get to where we want to be.

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