It's so hard to win a World Series.

It's worth everything to be in the World Series.

A World Series trophy is a wonderful thing to behold.

We play to win the World Series, and that's our goal.

I think the most important thing is that World Series.

You don't just accidentally show up in the World Series.

I want that second World Series ring. I want to win again.

We want to win a World Series for Detroit. That's our goal.

I do sincerely hope the Cubs win a World Series. After I die.

I really want to see the Cubs in the World Series. I really do.

I only wear two rings: a wedding ring and my World Series ring.

I'm playing in the World Series. Can't get any better than this.

Winning the World Series is really all that we play this game for.

My No. 1 thing is to win a World Series. The rest comes as it comes.

When you taste winning the World Series, you want to do that every year.

I think everyone deserves more than one World Series every 108 years so.

To win the World Series, you have to be able to do a lot of things well.

All the individual stuff is great, but I just want to win a World Series.

Every year the World Series should go seven games for the dramatics of it.

Getting to say you're going to the World Series is a pretty special thing.

I would like to come back in the World Series. And I want to pitch better.

I have three beautiful children and a World Series ring. That's all I need.

It's weird coming into a game in the later innings, in a World Series game.

Winning the World Series, winning the MVP, you feel like you have everything.

That's everyone's motivation: to get to the playoffs and win the World Series.

If the Mets can win the World Series, the United States can get out of Vietnam.

We've got to win a championship and bring a World Series trophy back to Chicago.

The World Series of Poker has always attracted a competitive international field.

We all remember the people who won the World Series and not the guy who struck out.

To win a World Series, the whole team has to be hot, everything has to go your way.

Every time I toe the rubber, it's no different for me than it was in the World Series.

I don't just think regular season. I think playoffs. World Series. That's how I think.

The only reason I don't like playing in the World Series is I can't watch myself play.

What I found is that experience in the World Series made me connect more with the fans.

We want to add an American League pennant... and to bring the World Series to Arlington.

Watching guys win the World Series looks like a lot of fun. I'd kind of like to do that.

When we played, World Series checks meant something. Now all they do is screw your taxes.

I played for 18 years, but the only thing that meant anything to me was the World Series.

You never forget the feeling of not getting to the World Series. Yes, it sticks with you.

Until spring training in 1946, the only time I pitched was in 1945 in the GI World Series.

You play to win, to get that World Series ring, All-Star games and whatever comes with it.

I was World Series champion in individual and synchro for the first time which was awesome.

I had an opportunity with Baltimore to make it to the World Series, and that didn't happen.

We don't just say this every spring training - 'Playoffs, World Series.' You've got to do it.

Every year you go in and you obviously want to win a World Series, at least make the playoffs.

Before I pitch any game, from spring training to Game 7 of the World Series, I'm scared to death.

When I got out of baseball, I got all the way out. I might watch a World Series game or something.

By far, the best moment of my big league career was when I caught the last out at the World Series.

That's our goal every year, to win the World Series, like it is at most places. In L.A., it really is.

I would want to go to the future, 25 years in the future, and see if the Cubs ever win a World Series.

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