I really expect a lot of myself.

I love first base. I want to get better.

I'm so excited about the new [Yankee] stadium!

I have no problem with the arbitration process.

My goal was to go to college and come out the best player.

Education is very important to me, as is helping children.

I want to be the player who hits home runs, drives in runs.

I don't play to prove people right or wrong. I just want to win.

I didn't realize how much I loved the game until I couldn't play it.

The only dream I've ever had is to become a major league baseball player.

I've waited a long time to be part of a franchise like this [the Yankees].

I love being a Yankee, and it's hard not to. It's a special place to play.

I have three beautiful children and a World Series ring. That's all I need.

I always lift weights very heavy and spend a lot of time in the weight room.

College was a blast. My three years of college were the best years of my life.

I would tell everyone to go to college, no matter what. It gives you time to grow up.

It's just about being in the zone, in any sport, be it football, basketball or baseball.

My greatest memories as a kid were playing sports with my dad and watching sports with my dad.

I have sensitive skin, so I don't use regular razors. The Yankees make us stay cleanly shaven!

I have confidence that whatever I set in my mind will happen. Everything I strived for I reached.

There's no question that I love playing in Texas. I love the fans. I love everything about Texas.

Being from Baltimore, I'm a crab cake snob, and I'm very particular on where I eat my crab cakes.

Switch-hitting is one of the greatest things in the world and one of the worst things in the world.

To be able to play baseball for those nine innings in front of a major league crowd is a special privilege.

My first postseason home run was a walk-off in the Division Series. That was just a special moment in my career.

It's an honor to be playing with these four players and to be a part of their fifth World Series title and my first.

You can never pat yourself on the back during the season. Then you get complacent, stop working and let yourself slide.

The Red Sox didn't handle negotiations with any kind of respect for me and my family, and the Rangers were the total opposite.

I've always felt that I need to be somebody in the middle of the lineup that's going to drive in runs and come up with big hits.

The American Museum of Natural History is my son's absolute favorite place in the world! So we really, really, really love New York.

Baseball can be a game of peaks and valleys. Mentally, I want to stay away from the ups and downs and just maintain a level approach.

My dad and all my family were into baseball. His brothers, my mom's brothers, my mom's father. Baseball was just always a part of our family.

I expected to be in the big leagues soon. I didn't know exactly how soon, but I wanted to be here soon, and I wanted to make a difference soon.

Home runs come in bunches. You can go two weeks without one or hit four in a week. Sometimes, you just feel that stroke for a week or two weeks straight.

Baseball is a game of failure. There are plenty of opportunities to be down, or to feel sorry for yourself, or to be upset at somebody or upset at yourself.

My closet is in perfect order at home. All my dress shirts, all my casual shirts. All my suits, they're color coordinated. All my ties are color coordinated.

It's not a fun process. There is no need for the team and a player to be on opposing sides a week or two before spring training. It's good to be on the same page.

God has forgiven everything that I've ever done. If someone does something to hurt my family or me, I can always forgive them. It keeps hate and anger out of my heart.

As much as you don't like disciplining your kids, you have to sometimes. Kids want that structure, that leadership, that guidance. I think that's what I try to give my children.

I went to college for a reason, and that was to skip the minor leagues. I spent a year in the minors and got my at-bats in, and then I felt like I was ready for the big leagues.

I'm a Baltimore guy. I've always loved Baltimore and always will love Baltimore, but baseball is baseball, and when you're playing on the opposing team, you're going to get booed.

Christ doesn't keep score. It's not about what you do here. It's about the person you are. It's about your faith. That's one thing that I'd like for young kids or anybody to know.

I have a relationship with Christ. It allows me to handle situations better. It allows me to treat people better and it allows me to have a better mental attitude towards baseball.

If I can be a good person and help a few non-believers or even help people that are believers but need a little help along the way, I think that's a job that I take very seriously.

I'm not one of those crazy collectors - I don't have a hundred watches. Only five or six. But I do like to wear a nice watch, especially if we're on the road and I'm wearing a nice suit.

There are always things to improve on. I want to improve on my defense, and you can never be a perfect hitter. I want to focus on just playing more and being able to improve on all parts of my game.

I think everybody out there on the American team is out of their element. That's not an excuse. That's the way it is. It's early in the spring. A lot of guys are not as (locked-in) as they could be.

I love Tumi because of the lifetime guarantee. And their luggage is just so solid. Looks good. Versatile. My carry-on bag is Tumi. My hanging bag is Tumi. My big suitcase is Tumi. All black. Love it.

I usually don't look at at-bats where I get out. I look at my hits. I look at good swings I put on balls. Because of that good swing or good at-bat, I can see what I need to continue to work on and recreate.

I've been very fortunate to play for four great organizations, but New York really takes the cake. Wearing the pinstripes is something that's very special to me, and it's the greatest organization in sports history.

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