Everything is worship if your mind is focused on the present moment.

Worship is ultimate, not missions. Because God is ultimate, not man.

If I had my life to live over, I'd have spent more hours in worship.

Stravinsky the composer I worship. Stravinsky the thinker I despise.

Let family worship be short, savory, simple, plain, tender, heavenly.

I'm absolutely confident that the God that I worship abhors violence.

For the person who loves God, worship is the daily bread of patience.

The shortest route to deeper and richer worship is a clearer theology.

Worship is an endeavor to bring to God that which costs you something.

The central aspect of worship is the feeling of being at one with God.

The Absolute cannot be worshipped, so we must worship a manifestation.

In terms of worship, I think we ought to have the right people leading.

Many infidels have maintained that Ignorance is the mother of Devotion.

My father was not prone to worship, but he worshiped Arthur Sulzberger.

When you worship an idol, you're substituting a thing for the ultimate.

I have never thought of my life as divided between poetry and politics.

Worship isn't an event to attend & watch. It's a lifestyle to be lived.

You can see God from anywhere if your mind is set to love and obey Him.

If my mind be not engaged in worship, it is as though I worshipped not.

To glorify the cult of images (my great, my only, my earliest passion).

I would suggest that science is, at least in my part, informed worship.

The instinct to worship is hardly less strong than the instinct to eat.

If your life does not worship God, your lips do not worship God either.

An enriched capacity for rejoicing is an expanded capacity for worship.

There is nothing that a New-Englander so nearly worships as an argument.

When we all can worship from our own kind of pew, then we shall be free.

Do not worship me, I am not God. I'm only a man. I worship Jesus Christ.

Contemplation for an hour is better than formal worship for sixty years.

I worship talents almost. I sinfully dare mourn that I possess them not.

Worship that is in some way divorced from mission is counterfeit worship

The worship of false gods is always an outgrowth of spiritual deception.

... there are spines to which the immobility of worship is not a strain.

The immensity of His worth is reflected in the intensity of your worship.

People think you're crazy if you turn money down... people worship money.

Your worship is not a gift from you to God. It is a gift from God to you.

Worship leaders, let's choose to praise rather than perform when leading.

If we do not worship God, God will not be the lesser for it. But we will.

Be not so bigoted to any custom as to worship it at the expense of truth.

Worship is the one, total adoring response of man to the one Eternal God.

Not going to give casual worship to a God of extravagant beauty and grace!

The worship of youth has diminished - perhaps generally - in recent years.

The worship leader God is after is the one whose heart is captured by Him.

And what greater calamity can fall upon a nation than the loss of worship.

God wills to be displayed and known and loved and cherished and worshiped.

Those who worship God only, can get rid of anxiety of mind; others cannot.

If we are going to worship in Spirit, we must develop a spirit of worship.

To discover, or recover, the sense of religious certainty one must worship.

The mark of the true church is an expanding witness to the presence of God.

I love women. I worship women. Don’t want to be any other woman but myself.

Music is the highest art and to those who understand, is the highest worship

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