You have to be delicate with how you can portray characters other people are having a worship over.

You get to consciously decide what has meaning and what doesn't. You get to decide what to worship.

In public worship all should join. The little strings go to make up a concert, as well as the great.

Sooner or later, man has always had to decide whether he worships his own power or the power of God.

Everyone ought to worship God according to his own inclinations, and not to be constrained by force.

Superior to all the religions is the Love of God and superior to all types of worship is seeing God.

Escape from the power of the hunting pack, and to know that wisdom is best and beauty sheer holiness.

We belittle God when we go through the outward motions of worship and take no pleasure in His person.

God is omnipresent; even a pebble in the Narmada can represent Him and serve as an object of worship.

Pleasure is a manifestation of self-re-creation. Pleasure is worship because it replenishes the soul.

I worship impersonal Nature, which is neither 'good' or 'bad', and who knows neither love nor hatred.

I worship impersonal Nature, which is neither "good" or "bad", and who knows neither love nor hatred.

It's not the elements of our worship that are awesome. It's the object of our worship Who is awesome.

Worship, from the Latin word meaning "worth-ship", is where we express God's worth to us in our lives.

As a worship leader, I feel this sort of responsibility to help add to the soundtrack of people's day.

I seek a deeper truth, but I don't think I have to go to a building designated for worship to find it.

In worshipping their nationhood men worship themselves and scorn others, and that is no healthy thing.

Radical isn't about how high you jump in a worship service, its about how you walk when you come down.

Women treat us [men] like humanity treats gods – they worship us and keep bothering us to do something.

Our ordinary abilities will never worship God unless they are transformed by the indwelling Son of God.

It’s in the environment of worship that we learn things that go way beyond what our intellect can grasp

I remember the Lord speaking into my heart and saying, 'Jeremy, I want you to stand up and worship me.'

Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.

People should never worship images. The spread of mental darkness is due to the prevalence of idolatry.

The cynicism that regards hero worship as comical is always shadowed by a sense of physical inferiority

I sang in the choir growing up and more recently served on the worship team at my church in California.

Building the future holds more attraction than ancestor worship, whichever ancestor we're talking about.

Worship is the specific act of ascribing to God the glory, majesty, honor, and worthiness which are His.

Any time you attempt to make a God beyond Christ, you murder the whole thing. God alone can worship God.

We are never nearer Christ than when we find ourselves lost in a holy amazement at His unspeakable love.

Without a Sabbath, no worship; without worship, no religion; and without religion, no permanent freedom.

There is nothing which any way pertaineth to the worship of God left to the determination of human laws.

All gold and silver rather turn to dirt, An 'tis no better reckoned but of these Who worship dirty gods.

Worship, the act of freely giving love to God, forms and informs every activity of the Christian's life.

I cannot fail to call the congregation to worship God, to listen to his Word, to offer themselves to God.

My little brother can play the guitar; he can sing. He was a worship leader at his church. Me, no talent.

This is so American, man: either make something your God and cosmos and then worship it, or else kill it.

Anthony Skinner has a fire in his heart to worship God, and to encourage and equip others to do the same.

In the context of worship, amusement is a waste of time and a waste of life, and therefore a form of sin.

We pursue God because, and only because, He has first put an urge within us that spurs us to the pursuit.

It is impossible to worship God acceptably and not come to Him in right relationship to...the Word of God.

Worship is not something we "work up," it is something that "comes down" to us, from the character of God.

Israel is a country that respects freedom - freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and freedom of worship.

I choose to worship not believing in God and government should not thrust a religious idea down my throat.

To worship God in spirit is the service and homage of the heart, and implies fear of God and trust in Him.

God is everywhere but He is most manifest in man. So serve man as God. That is as good as worshipping God.

The only true worship is extreme worship, and only extreme worship brings extreme results – transformation.

I believe that when we sing, we worship twice. We express our thoughts into words, and our words into song.

Does not every true man feel that he is himself made higher by doing reverence to what is really above him?

The salat can be made up for, but there is no making up for false show or outward worship without presence.

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