You should build yourself according to your own body and be comfortable.

Being in your 30s is about discovering yourself and your body and enjoying who you are.

There is no quick easy way to the body you want... commit yourself now to your workout and get started.

You can free yourself from aging by reinterpreting your body and by grasping the link between belief and biology.

Joining the military is not to be taken lightly. You're putting every part of yourself at risk, not just your body but your moral and spiritual centre.

If you yourself are not comfortable about your body, do something about it. If you are comfortable, let it be. Other people have no right to comment anyway.

You want to throw yourself in as many uncomfortable places as possible, if you want to build muscles in uncomfortable parts of your body and grow as an artist.

When I do my concerts, you have got to think about everything else; so you have got to think about your gown, your hair, your body, and how you present yourself on stage.

When you are in a live-action movie, you have so many more options to express yourself. You can use your body and your gestures and facial expressions. When you are doing an animated movie, you really only have your voice.

Being pregnant changes your body image. You watch your stomach expand. If that happened without being pregnant you'd be in deep distress! But because you're excited about what's going to happen, you view yourself differently.

Eating right is key. Every athlete is going to train hard and lift hard and all that, so what you eat can be the difference when you want to separate yourself. As an athlete, it's really important to put healthy foods in your body.

It is really hard to completely re-learn how to express yourself without using words. When you take away speech, you have to re-invent the way you express yourself. You have to exaggerate your body language and your facial expressions.

Getting up in front of the toughest crowds, you know, playing pubs in South Armagh - where people didn't necessarily even know what stand-up comedy was - you had to force yourself to do it. It went against every instinct in your body, but you did it anyway.

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