Poor people are gross and they 'smell bad

Don't be a hero, live to fight another day.

My hope is to never act again and just do press.

No one should be offended - that's not my style.

To criticize Facebook is to criticize the telephone.

I've never worked during the summer. I take summers off.

I feel equal parts lucky and scared anytime I get a job.

I'm no good at really anything that involves motor skills.

First rule of magic? Always be the smartest guy in the room.

Acting forces me to socialise, which is good for me, I think.

The only way to be turned off to being famous is to be famous.

Devils don't come from hell beneath us, they come from the sky.

Everyone's a geek in some way or other. Everyone's an outsider.

I write plays instinctively. I don't like writing movie scripts.

It's very hard to be a playwright because it's very competitive.

I feel very guilty doing magic because you're deceiving somebody.

All of my pleasures are guilty, but that's just the way I'm wired.

If you're afraid of everything out there, you quit going out there.

Depression, if it's an unconsciously elected experience, is a luxury.

The more people say nice things about me, the more I feel it's false.

No compliment is ever sufficient and every insult, of course, is true.

I don't understand capri pants. They seem like neither here nor there.

In acting class, you're trained to express yourself as much as you can.

I find it very difficult to do normal things without getting approached.

I have one female fan. But she lives with me. I'm not aware of any others.

Who walks around proud of things they've done? That's an obnoxious quality.

I think it's a room full of insecure actors, which is ultimately very comforting.

Society will decide after the technology is created what we will and won't accept.

If I get no sleep the night before a show, I feel that performance is the best one.

I get very homesick, but otherwise it's a great privilege to get to travel for work.

I think I'm an abstinence symbol. If I take my shirt off, people will not have babies.

I don't follow sports that much now, but I was a Phoenix Suns fanatic in the early '90s.

Often times, being in a popular thing means that you have to compromise your own acting.

As an actor, you have to be open to doing things where you look stupid, to be experimental.

I'm not into music - the only music I like is musical theater, but I have every Ween album.

In New York, everybody is their own celebrity, so they're not so interested in other people.

I have an iPad and I watch three things: 'The Daily Show,' '60 Minutes,' and 'Meet the Press.'

Im not on Page Six, because I dont have anything salacious happening in my life unfortunately.

I think there's nothing more wonderful than using fiction to reflect real-world cultural ideas.

The ideal way to approach a character is to find something in yourself that relates in some way.

I felt self-conscious going out in the street prior to ever even being in a movie. That's just me.

It's a struggle for me to watch things I've been in because I'm just distracted and self-critical.

I'm not on Page Six, because I don't have anything salacious happening in my life... unfortunately.

Every character I play has to be the hero of his own story, the way we're all heroes of our own lives.

I like driving; I don't drive since I live in New York. I don't have an opportunity to drive, like, ever.

I'm hardly the most notable person in 'Zombieland.' The other actors in it are way more famous than I am.

Actors dread working with studios because they dictate what you do in a way that independent movies can't.

I personally don’t feel the need to be radical for its own sake, but I probably couldn’t if I tried anyway.

I personally don't feel the need to be radical for its own sake, but I probably couldn't if I tried anyway.

The only suggestions I get on my plays is to make them more of what they already are, and that's wonderful.

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